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•Chapter Fourteen•
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Part One


'If I was to see Alder again, it would be all too soon,' was the only thought drifting through Loki's head as he spied the Lord picking his way down the hallway. He was alone, which in Loki's mind, was strange.  He really ever spotted Lord Alder without his two ambassadors trailing him.

Loki figured that they weren't far behind.

Loki was also not sure how this conversation was going to go.  Malki had spoken to him about their exchange—Alder had called his ploy in moments, even through his Wyrdspeak.  Loki didn't doubt his own silver tongue but he didn't so much as trust that Alder hadn't already suspected him.  Or if Loki, himself, could restrain from daggering the Lord through the chest.

And he was about to find out for sure.

"Loki," Alder greeted.  Loki did not respond, he only stopped and clasped his hands behind his back.  He put on a facade that he knew all to well.

"Awful bold of you to approach me alone after that threat you made towards my sister."  Loki purred lowly, tilting his head.  Alder stopped.  His eyes scanned Loki, a look of calculation in his gaze that Loki knew well.  He was trying to read Loki.  In his head he was deciding; is he a threat?  Or a potential ally?

Alder ducked his head down a centimeter, a small, a mock of a guilty smile plastered across is nearly alabaster lips.  He moved his hands in front of himself, splaying his palms.  As if he was trying to look submissive. 

It was just as fake was the front Loki was playing.

"You must excuse that.  The encounter was a wrong on my part, I should not have ever act the way I did.  And if I had known who she was, I would have never said what I did.  You must forgive me."  Alder rattled off.  So he had decided ally.

Loki shifted his weight, "forgave but not forgotten.  My sister is rambunctious but she meant no harm.  I suggest you take a lesson from her."

Alder took the comment.  He lifted his head, onyx eyes shifting dangerously.

"What is your view on this whole Lord Thaddeus business?"  He started, quickly switching the subject. 

"It's already been decided," Loki said.

Alder nodded, "I know, but I don't remember the infamous second Prince having any words in the meetings.  Well, besides your foul words towards Salen and Asher."

"They insulted Lady Koa.  Should I have not stepped in and allowed Koa to put them in their place?  I'm sure their egos would have been beyond shattered if that had been the case."  Loki asked. 

He still almost wished he had stayed silent.

Alder let out a laugh, "I can imagine.  Although, after all of these years, I still can't figure why a woman would find interest at the council table."

Loki didn't respond.  He pursed his lips and locked his jaw.  Alder shook his head, clasping his hands behind his back.  His eyes darkened.

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