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No Fire Like Snowflake's Fire
(Stark Tower)


I don't know how long I stood there hugging my dad, but eventually he pried me off of him.  I was still restraining myself from bouncing on my toes but I calmed myself down enough to return to Alrekr's side.  One down, three more to go.

Hopefully Loki was just as open-minded...

I remembered Tove's ice cream and I looked up at my dad, "have you seen Tove?  Or have you even met her yet?  I have to go find her so you can if you haven't."

My dad laughed at my rambling, "I've met her.  You can go find her if you want, she's with Natasha."

I thanked him and grabbed Alrekr's hand. And we took off to find Tove.

When we finally got to the training room and walked in, I noticed two things. 

One; Tove and Steve sitting cross legged beside the mats.

Two; Natasha and Bucky going at on the training mat.

It was utterly terrifying.  If I was a painter I would have tried to capture it with paint and a canvas and I would have titled it: The Russian Death.

Both were extremely skilled, but that wasn't a surprise.  Natasha was like a cat, jumping and kicking and spinning so fast it was like I was watching some sort of the death dance.  Bucky was just as agile despite his height, and I could that Natasha was actually working hard to stay away from him.

I think that's when I realized just how dangerous he could be.

My gut twisted.  I wasn't scared of him.....but the thought that he had been under Hydra's influence for so long with no memory of who he was.  What he had probably done.  What he could do.  I pursed my lips and grabbed Alrekr's hand.

Alrekr looked down at me, "are you alright?"

I hesitated.

"Yeah, I'm good.  Let's just get Tove."  I murmured and started towards where Tove and Steve were sitting.  Once we got closing and in ear shot, I called out.

"Hey, Tove."

My white haired friend whipped towards us, "Lorien!  Alrekr!"

I held the bowl out in front of me, "I brought you something."

She pushed herself up and bound over to us. Her silver eyes focused on the bowl and her head cocked to the side. "What is it?"

"It's called ice cream," I explained as handed it to her.

"Don't eat it too fast though," Alrekr added beside me, "it's really cold."

Tove pursed her lips, bring a spoonful to her lips.  She took a bite and her eyes lit up.

"Thiess is grate," she managed out, cheeks suddenly burning when she realized the ice cream was still in her mouth.  She swallowed before repeating herself.  We all burst out laughing.

Spaces BetweenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora