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•Chapter Sixteen•
Picture Perfect
(Stark Tower)

It was almost a relief that Alrekr now knew I liked him—and a relief that he liked me back. Tove went off the rails.  Basically, she explaining that she knew that we liked each other from day one and was just waiting for one of us to admit our feelings.

I dubbed her our, "crazy #1 shipper."

My only problem now was coming up with an explanation for my brother when we went home. I'm not sure Loki would be as excited about the development as we were. Natasha said she'd soften the blow, but it was up to me—and Alrekr—if Loki turned.

Maybe I could play the card that if he can date, I can date.

That probably wouldn't go down that well.

I wondered how the meetings were going in Asgard. I hadn't known too much about them, except what Alrekr had told me. Loki wouldn't tell me anything because they stressed him out. And stressed Loki was not good Loki.

Apparently, there was suppose to be a new noble. Loki had told me a good bit about the council. There was six members, not including the Allfather—they made decisions for the realms, though, with Odin being the King of Asgard, he had all final say. Alrekr's dad, Lord Malki, was on the council. I had only met him twice, both times had been when Malki had gotten letters from Alrekr's sisters back in Aequum. He was pretty cool and seemed to like me.

Alrekr has three sisters—none of which I have met yet. Two older and one younger. Dena, the oldest, was an ambassador for Aequum. She was basically the stand in for Malki if something happened to him. (Alrekr told me that we would get along pretty well because we were both stubborn.). Then there was Loreri, the second oldest. She had taken care of Alrekr and his youngest sister, Sadi, after their mother passed. Sadi, again, according to Alrekr, would like me because we both were mischievous.

I hoped one day I'd get to meet them. Though, I also wondered how they'd react to me and Alrekr.

I'd have to talk to Alrekr about that one.


Someone knocked on my door. I could smell Tony's engine grease and whiskey scent. Käro perked up from his spot on the floor.

Hesitantly, I sat my book down. "Come in."

Tony peaked his head in, his gaze shifted warily over Käro before stopping on me. "I came to apologize."

For a moment, I sat in shock. Tony? Apologizing?

Tony pushed the rest of the door open. His was holding something behind his back that I couldn't see. He stopped mid-way into my room and his shoulders slumped a bit. His blue eyes looked tired—and guilty.

"It was completely immature of me to say what I did. I'm the adult, I should have known when to stop." Tony started, he loosed a sigh. "If it hadn't worked out the way it did, I would have accepted any punishment Natasha or your brother saw fit. I am sorry."

He pulled out the object out from behind his back. It was a box about the size of a shoe box but it was poorly covered with wrapping paper. Little black cats decorated the bright green parchment.

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