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•Chapter Eight•
Devil's Advocate

Third Person P.O.V

The hall was full of voices—all loud and talking over themselves. The arrival of Lord Asher, the final of the six Nobles, had caused an uproar in the meeting hall. Loki sat across from Thor, temples braced between his fingers. For once, he was actually hoping that the Allfather would appear—if only to silence all of the voices.

And as if his thought summoned the old man, the Allfather appeared at the doors of the hall, flanked by several guards. Loki stifled a sigh of relief as the voices simultaneously died out. The Allfather strode across the floor, towards his chair—not a single apology for his late arrival leaving his lips. But, of course, he was the Allfather and didn't need one.

"Father," Thor greeting, standing as Odin took his place at the head of the table. Thor had arrived earlier in the day, surprisedly another relief for Loki. Lorien had gotten to Midgard safety and that was all that Loki cared about.

The Allfather sat, and the moment he did, the hall erupted in voices yet again. Loki frowned.

"You must reconsider," a desperate voice rang out above the others. It had belonged to Lord Salen of Effla. Loki's forest green gaze shot to the man.

The Noble was stout with a sharp nose and bright orange hair. His powdered blue eyes were wide with concern. "I beg of you."

Loki bit the inside of his cheek, the Lord had remained mostly quiet up until the last few meetings. His change in behavior concerned Loki—if he even cared at all. Lord Salen normally kept to himself, though he had been opposed to the idea of a seventh Lord from the beginning, he was just now speaking his opinion.

Odin's attention shifted to the Lord, "the decision is final. The vote was cast this morning when Lord Asher arrived. We will offer your people the option to stay in that territory or take up homes here—but that section of land must be traded."

Lord Salen's shoulders slumped.

"At least you still have all of your land," sneered Lord Asher. Loki's gaze moved to the newest addition. Asher was tall, built with brute muscle and dark skin. His eyes were a pale green and his hair was cut close to his skull. "Half of mine have been pillaged by fire."

Loki rolled his eyes.

Lord Salen turned on Asher, "that was caused by a sheer accident. I am getting robbed of my land and title!"

"Perhaps you should look around," a new voice announced, calculated and causal all at the same time. "All of us here have offered the same amount of land."

It was Lady Koa who had spoken. She was the only woman noble in the Realm Eternal, an achievement in itself. Lady Koa had been silent for days—Loki had begun to wonder if she was also a mute.

Lord Asher whipped back around towards the Lady, "I did not know I asked you to speak, or even share your opinion, woman."

"I would suggest putting a leash on that tongue of yours, Lord Asher," Loki warned cooly, "the Lady has just as much of a right to be here as the rest of us without being reprimanded for speaking."

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