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•Chapter Fifteen•
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Part Two

The throne room went silent.

Everything muted but the sound of blood dripping to the floor.

And the sound of the assassin's blade leaving the Allfather.

Cold filled Loki. Every inch of his body filling with ice. His hands shaking and his chest growing heavy. Shock coursed through him.

Thor charged first. A war cry ripping from his throat as he summoned his hammer. Thunder cracked outside the palace and then the rest of the room erupted into chaos.

Eco and Malki charged after Thor. Blades drawn. Loki spun his own, backing up. He made eye contact with Koa and he pulled his letter from his robes. The Lady saw the parchment and knowing look filled her gaze.

"Please." It was barely more then a whisper. He held the letter out to her.

Lady Koa wrapped her hand around the parchment, her violet eyes determined. "I will find her and make sure she gets it."

Then she took off running towards the throne room doors. Heimdal took off after her and Loki spun back around. He didn't let himself worry whether or not she would make it to Bifrost. Or if she would make it to Midgard. He couldn't.

So Loki summoned a second dagger and ran towards the fight.


The assassin was well trained. Thor hadn't so much hit him, even with lightening. He tucked and swirled—but he relied on his magic to vanish and reappear with every attack. Loki saw this and used it to his advantage.

He charged at the assassin when he had backed away from the others. Loki feigned a right, and as suspected, the assassin teleported again. Directly in the path of Loki's dagger. This time, it wasn't illusion he cut through.

The assassin cursed, voice deep and heavy. He spun out of range for Loki's next attack. Blade against blade. The sound of metal on metal echoed through the room. Loki was stronger then he looked and it seemed his opponent did not realize this as Loki forced his blades back.

But Loki wasn't prepared when the assassin flailed his arm out in an arch.

Loki found himself flung back, slamming into one of the towering throne room pillars. He gritted his teeth. Sure, it hurt, but not enough to incapacitate a god. He drew his daggers and stepped forward.

Then stopped.

A wall. An invisible wall stood directly in his path. A shield, or a binding spell, spreading out in a two foot ring around him and cutting off in the pillar behind him.

"What is this?" He hissed, setting his palm against the shield. Then staring at the assassin with a wicked smile across his face. Thor, Malki, and Eco continued their assault but they weren't gaining any ground.

Loki pushed against shield with his own magic. Nothing. He tried again, baring his teeth. Still nothing. That wasn't possible.

Suddenly, the sound of heavy boots filled the throne room. Loki felt his heart lift, then his anger. Finally, the guards were arriving.

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