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•Chapter Two•
Happy Reunions

By the time we had arrived at the Bifrost—Alrekr and Tove weren't the only nervous ones.

I hadn't been back to Earth since my 16th birthday which was three months before and I normally visited once a month. With all of the political stuff going on though, my trips had been cut to a minimum.

Don't get me wrong, I was extremely excited to be going back—but I didn't realize until I was standing in the golden dome of the Bifrost just how anxious I was. This time would be the longest trip to Earth I have taken by myself since I started living in Asgard. And with 'by myself', I mean, without Loki.

Going back to all the political discussions within the Realm Eternal, Loki was going to be preoccupied. They was no way he could stay with me on Earth for a month.

So that meant Alrekr, Tove, Käro, and me were traveling via solo.

Okay, so maybe not completely solo—Thor was coming too. But only to make sure we got settled in and then he was going to leave.

But you get the picture.

Anyway....clearly we weren't the only nervous ones because Loki looked more irate then normal. He looked extremely annoyed—and worried—and his form was tense.

I looked up at him as we stopped walking. He met my gaze, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"Promise me you will be careful."

I was shocked by the concern lacing his words. Why was he suddenly so worried? What was going on?

"I will." I promised, shaking my previous thoughts from my mind. He was worried because I was going by myself—nothing more.

"Good," he mused, sparing a small smile. Then, he pulled me to chest and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I hugged him back, still trying to drown my own worried doubts. There was nothing to worry about.

My brother stepped back, releasing me. "Have fun, little soror."

I smiled in respond, despite the worry on his face, before running towards where the others had congregated at.  Tove and Alrekr stood next to Thor and Käro sat on the ground—a bored expression on his face.

"Took you long enough," he grumbled, shaking his furry head.  I had once dared to call him fluffy......

It didn't end well for me.

"I was saying good bye, Clifford."  I snapped.  Käro bared his teeth at the nickname and I rolled my eyes. 

I slipped between my best friends, still ignoring the annoyed, low growl coming from Käro's direction. 

"Are we ready?"

I looked between Alrekr and Tove—the former seemed prepared, Tove did not.

"I've never traveled using the Bifrost before." Tove admitted nervously before adding, "I haven't done much travel in general."

"Make sure you bend your knees a little or your'll end up on your face." I suggested as I gripped her hand, as well as Alrekr's.  "And don't let go."

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