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Lord Alder is Evil

I pulled down on my lamp switch, flooding my room with yellow light.  My gaze whipped past Käro still asleep on the floor, to the woman standing across the room.  I didn't loosen my grip.

She was tall and willowy but it was clear that beneath all the black she was cloaked in that she was toned and had muscle to her.  Short, feathered black hair covered her head, framing her tanned skin but not quite brushing her shoulders.  Deep violet eyes stared back at me.

"Who are you?"  I demanded, pushing myself up and onto the floor so that my bed was between us.  My bare ankle rubbed against Käro's side. 

Why wasn't he waking up?

The woman shifted, spotting my dagger.  She held her open palms out towards me but kept the calm look on her face.  "I come as an ally.  My name is Koa, I am the Lady of Ailsica."

I froze, my brows furrowing, "Ailsica?  Isn't that one of the kingdoms in Asgard?"

All of my knowledge of the kingdoms started to piece together in my memory.  I recognized her name, Lady Koa.  Alrekr had mentioned her once, so had his father.

"Yes," the woman—this 'Koa'—answered.

"Why are you here," I asked, "actually, how did you get in here?"  I tapped Käro again with my foot.  Nothing.  I listened for his heartbeat, just as steady as normal.

"How I got here isn't important, this is what is important."  She clipped urgently, holding out what looked like a letter.  She started towards me and I stepped back.  The woman stopped.

"It's from your brother."

I went still.


Koa tilted her head, as if in hesitation, "you are Lorien, correct?"

I started at her before quickly nodding my head.  The Lady Koa continued forward, holding the letter back out to me.

Suddenly, I felt dread filling my stomach. Something was wrong.

"Loki asked that I deliver this to you," She explained.  I looked down at her outstretched hand and pristine nails gripping the rolled piece of parchment.  Slowly, I lowered my dagger and reached for the letter with my free hand. 

The parchment felt crinkled in my hand, as if it had been rolled up and stored in a hurry.  My heart pounded as I unrolled it.  I was met with my brother's beautiful cursive handwriting, I started to smile from the familiarity.

But as I started to read the letter, my blood went cold.

     My dear Little One,
          I do not intend on trying to ease your mind with a lie to keep your concerned leased.  You are smarter than that and I hope that by me telling you the truth, you will listen to me.
          Asgard is no longer safe.  I fear that within the coming days, something malicious may occur.  This letter may very well be my last words to you for a very long time.  I will not lie to you, war may be brewing in Asgard.  I believe one of the nobles to be planning something.  Something that may lead to turmoil among the kingdoms.

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