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•Chapter Ten•
Worth A Shot

Third Person P.O.V.

Sigyn's laugh echoed through the courtyard.  Soft, gentle, ricocheting off the walls and filling Loki with such mirth that he nearly forgot what had been troubling him.  His emerald eyes glimmered as he watched the Lady beside him shining like a beacon in the darkness.

"Do you suppose," Sigyn mused softly, watching Loki. "That once these meetings are over and all of the Nobles have travelled home, maybe, I could tag along on one of you and your sister's trips to Midgard?"

Loki's joyful look damped slightly, his lips pursing together. "That could be arranged."

Sigyn's own mirth faded, "you're worried again."

Loki's eyes drifted to the floor. Sigyn reached out, encasing his hand with her own to comfort him.

"Loki, please look at me." She pleaded, voice soft and caressing. Loki lifted his head, emerald on sapphire. "Until we have more evidence, there is nothing that can be done. Endless worrying will not help. I know that is not what you wish to hear, but it is truth. You finished your letter to Lorien, correct?"

The letter—the one he hoped to never send. Loki nodded and Sigyn squeezed his hand.

"And you plan to meet with Lord Malki and Lady Koa later today?" She asked again. Loki simply nodded his head in agreement. Sigyn gave him a gentle smile, "then please to not harm yourself worrying now."

Loki knew she spoke the truth, but it didn't mean he liked it.


Lady Koa was a force to be reckoned with. As the first woman Noble in thousands of years, she had been challenged from the start. She fought hard for her position and she fought hard for her respect. And even though Loki held her in high esteem, he treaded lightly in her presence.

The Lady was tall and willowy. Her lean form was encased in silk and flowing, nearly transparent cloth that billowed behind her as she walked. At first glance, she seem not a threat, even vulnerable despite the power she radiated but if one was to look closer, they would see two suspicious looking leather-wrapped handles hanging from the belt encircling her waist. Collapsible Sikæd blades, designed and forged from her Kingdom. Challenging weapons to master but deadly in the hands of those who knew how to wield them.

And if that was not imitating enough, standing beside her was the strongest of all six—now seven—Nobles. Lord Malki.

Lord Malki stood tall, shoulders back and a soft, caring look on his face. He was a nurturer from years of caring for his four children after his wife had passed. Three daughters and one son. All strong and determined despite the tragedy that had befell them. 

Though, behind that caring aura, Malki would would not hesitate to fight for who he loved.

Loki stopped short in front of them both, nodded his head to both of them, respective of their positions. He had chosen this location, again, the abandoned hallway because it was one of the only places in the palace in which Loki knew for certain there were no prying ears.

"Lord, Lady." Loki greeted. Lady Koa nodded in response.


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