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•Chapter Thirty-Seven•
Father Dearest


Everything snapped back and I shoved away from him. A ragged breath left my lips as a shudder ripped through me. "No."

Nydri cocked his head, studying me. I tried to back away again but my back hit Baulod's legs. I froze, all of my muscles locking up. No, this...this wasn't...this couldn't...

"You can't..." my voice failed me. My throat closed up.

"Why not?" Nydri challenged, a wicked look in his eyes. "You know it is true. You have worked it out on your own. You are clever like your mother, and so is your brother. Both of you took after her, but that does not make you any less my daughter and Loki any less Laufey's son."

I shook my head, wanting nothing more than to keep backing away. He was lying. He had to be. This had to be some trick Alder was playing on me to mess with my head as some sick and twisted joke. I was in his court but instead of a jester, he had me.

"You're lying," I bit out, still shaking my head.  Tears pricked at my eyes.  He had to be, didn't he?

Nydri cocked his head, moving closer.  "Sister to the infamous God of Lies and you still doubt that I speak true."  A softer look crossed over his eyes as he reached out again.  I didn't have any where to go—only flinch as he gently lifted my chin again.

"And what title should we give you?  What do you wish to be the Goddess of, hm?"  He paused, making a face as if he was remembering something.  "I've been told you have been practicing magic?  And dagger work?  I must say I'm impressed, Little one."

Don't call me Little One, I wanted to scream, but I kept my mouth shut. 

I didn't have a fighting chance.  Not yet.  I could play along, at least for now.

Opening my mouth, I hadn't even gotten the chance to make a noise before I was interrupted.

I heard him before I saw him; his growls and crawls against the marble sent panic through me. I ripped my head away from the Giant to see another pulling Käro across the throne room. He led him by a leash that connected to a huge leather muzzle over his snout. Rage flooded me.

"Käro!" I called out and his head snapped at me. I pushed myself to my feet before anyone could stop me and booked it towards him. Käro ripped the leash out of the Giant's hand, meeting me half way.

Instantly, I started pulling at the latch on the muzzle. If I could get it off, we'd have a fighting chance. I'd grab Alrekr, we'd...

"Hold him," Nydri's voice barked from behind me. I didn't know who he meant until one of the Frost Giant's scooped up Käro's leash again. He shook his head, pulling against the restraint. I lunged for him but another hand wrapped around my arm.

It was Nydri. I tugged away but his grip was like a vice. The Giant stared down at Käro. "So this is the soul bound to your mark."

"What are you taking about," I seethed. It was the most I had spoken directly to him, and he did not seem pleased at my tone.

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