~chɑptєr sɪ×~

Start from the beginning

'So are you at the beach?'

I don't even care at this point what he thinks.

'For your information, no. I'm in my room.'

'Oh.' I wasn't sure how to answer him.

'Balcony meeting?'

I smiled but I wasn't sure why. My heart fluttered with excitement, which was silly, but I can't ignore the fact that I wanted to talk to him again.


I leaned against the railing. I was definitely not going to say anything first, I would wait for him.

"Liz?" He whispered loud enough to be heard over the noisy sounds of the beach.

"Hey." I didn't use emotions. I couldn't let him know that I was happy to be talking to him. I'm happy to talk to him? No. I'm happy because of my mother. She would be happy. Not me. I'm not happy.

"So you were looking for me?"

I pictured his smirk in my brain and became defensive.

"Of course not."

"Ok." He said, sarcasm much to evident in his voice.

"I have a question." I said, cautiously.

"And I probably have an answer."

I knew he did, but I didn't know if he would tell me.

"What does your tattoo say?"

"Have you not read it yet?" He said, clearly surprised that I haven't paid that much attention. He must assume that I spend my free time checking him out.


"Well it's a quote."

"Duh." I said, drawing out the vowel sound.

He chuckled and I found myself liking the sound.

"I guess you'll have to meet me again if you want to read my tat."

"This is bribery."

"Your point?"

"Fine. I'll meet you again, but only because I want to know what the tattoo says."

"Ok Liz." I can just imagine him rolling his eyes right now.

"I'm going back inside, Hayes." I said, letting him know I did not appreciate his sarcastic remarks.

"Tonight then?"

"Sure whatever. Beach or pool?"

"Let's visit the beach. I haven't gone yet." He said.

"Why didn't you go today?"

"I decided I wasn't in the mood for it." He said like it was the most obvious piece of information in the world.

"And you're going to be in the mood for the beach tonight?"

"I assume so."

I rolled my eyes. He's so difficult, he always has to use sarcasm. Yet I found myself able to talk to him easier than other people. People from my school or just in the general public.

"Around five, then?" I asked.

"Ok Liz."

"I don't like you calling me Liz."

"You don't seem to mind too much."

"Well I do."

"Okay Elizabeth."

That didn't sound right coming from his mouth. I'm too used to being called Liz by him. But he can't know that of course.


"I know you like Liz better."

Shit! How can he possibly know all this about me!

"Why would you think that?"

"Because I know you."

"What are you talking about I've known you for like five minutes." I said sarcastically.

"You know it's more than that."

"Uh. No. It's not. I seriously don't know you."

"You're the only one I've talked to about my brother."

I paused. I am? That made me feel more special than it probably should have.

"Doesn't mean I know you. I simply know something about you."

"Yeah. Something I've never been comfortable talking about. My relationship with my brother is personal."

"I didn't ask you to tell me."

"I know. But I wanted to."


I honestly had been wanting to know the answer to that since he told me. Why did he tell me all of that?

"You're so easy to talk to, Liz."

Back to Liz.

"Why is it easy for us, Hayes?" And I genuinely wanted an answer. Why is it easy. Why do I feel like I could tell him anything in the world. It's never been that way for me. I've never had that type of person in my life that I could just talk to. I've had friends, but never a best friend. I've had elementary school boyfriends but only the kind that run up behind you at recess and hold your hand for two seconds then run away screaming.

"I don't know but I know you know it too." He says.

I do know that it's easy to talk to him. I do. I've never been able to talk to someone like I'm able to carry on a simple conversation with him. It's easy with him, yet so difficult because he's so damn annoying all the time.

"So I can carry on a conversation with you."


"Hayes. I'm going inside."

"Ok. I'll see you tonight."

"Yeah." I said before turning around, closing the door behind me.

I still can't bring myself to trust him. This is probably all some sick game. A bet with his friends. Who can get a stupid, naive girl to like you first. Well he won't win. I won't let him.

I won't let him use me in his games. No matter how proud it makes my mother.


Sorry that chapter was short you guys. I'm on vacation right now and I don't have a lot of time on my hands. Let me know what you guys think so far! Thanks to those of you who already have been leaving comments! Vote for my story <3

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