Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N So I'm having a bit of a writer's block. If there's any scene you've been wanting to see, or a relationship you want to see developed, let me know in the comments and we'll see if it jogs any creativity I have in my body. Either way, enjoy the story, and don't forget to vote if you liked it and comment! 

The day was the warmest it had been in weeks, and the residents of Cape Cod ventured out of their houses in short sleeves and sandals. There was hardly a cloud in the sky, with just the occasional wisp of white smeared against the brilliant blue. Schoolchildren ran barefoot down the street, enjoying every minute of freedom before the school bell rang. Numerous parents had had an argument with their children that morning, who argues that such a beautiful day couldn't be wasted on school.

But Anne didn't join the other kids that morning. Instead, she had her feet burrowed in the sand, Diana on her right side and Charlie on her left.

"I can't believe I was at the dentist's yesterday," Charlie moaned, his nose all scrunched up.

"Yeah," Anne laughed. "You kind of missed a lot."

He crossed his arms over his chest, looking almost like a petulant child. "I should have been there."

"Trust me, you couldn't have done anything I didn't do," Diana replied, and she couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Listen, I get it, you went all John Cena on Josie and kicked butt. I'm just saying, I should have been there to video it! And then I could have put it on youtube and we all would have gone viral," He said, waving his arms just for emphasis. Anne cracked up laughing, falling onto her back and holding on to her stomach.

"Wait, you guys, that would get me in trouble!" Diana said, still smiling as she pointed dramatically at herself. "Is that what you want?"

"Yes, because this is such a horrible punishment," Charlie said, gesturing to the wide-open ocean. "Two days off from school. I should start beating people up."

Anne propped herself up onto her elbows, grinning up at her two friends. Although she would have loved to spend time alone with Diana, she really was excited when Charlie's parents told him he could stay home from school. He never did say why they let him, and Anne and Diana kept their mouths shut. "I wish there were clouds today," she said wistfully. "We could go cloud watching."

"Or we could just go swimming," Charlie said, grinning mischievously before he whipped off his shirt. "Come on!"

Anne leapt to her feet just as Diana was grabbing on to her hand. "Are you crazy! It's freezing! We're not going swimming," she said, trying to pull Anne down with her, who had once again started to laugh hysterically.

"Oh come on! You beat someone up and you won't even get wet!" Charlie said, running backwards and wiggling his eyebrows. "Come on! It'll be fun!"

"No it won't be!" Diana said stubbornly. "You're going to get pneumonia and die!"

Anne clutched her heart dramatically, falling down and flailing out into the sand. "But there's no one I'd rather die with!" She said, batting her eyelashes at Diana.

"Okay, calm down," Diana laughed, laying down beside Anne and resting her head on Anne's chest. "I'd rather live with you, thanks."

Charlie also collapsed beside Diana, although, for one brief moment, he couldn't help but frown at the sight. Then he slung his arm across both girl's stomachs, resting his head in the crook of Diana's neck and smiling innocently over at Anne.

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