Chapter Sixteen

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A/N You guys, I am so excited to have crossed over into 1K! Woo woo! You guys are awesome! If you haven't yet, check out the cast page that I just posted and comment if you think I made the right choices. Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow! Love you all!

As Rachel Lynde saw it, she had two options concerning the raising of Anne Shirley. Samantha Cuthbert made it quite clear that if the heathen redhead was going to have any chance of being changed into a proper God-fearing lady, there would have to be some kind of intervention on behalf of Rachel, and the best way to do that was to collaborate with Marilla. It was for this reason that the two women were sitting in Rachel's kitchen, the sun pleasantly streaming through the window and falling on the two of them. It was a welcomed and pleasant addition to the kitchen, adorned with an abundance of cross stitched Bible verses that Rachel made to pass the time.

"Marilla, you should have seen it! I could have sword that child was possessed by a demons. Of course, I shouldn't be so surprised, you know what they say about redheads. I tell you, the first moment I saw that child, I knew she was trouble. But did Samantha listen to me? Oh no, she didn't need my help. I told you the day Matthew married her that she was too headstrong for her own good, and was not at all suited for marriage."

"Yet she and Matthew are still together," Marilla replied demurely, quietly sipping her coffee as Rachel ranted. There was no use trying to stop her, it would only end badly and Rachel was, in general, harmless enough.

"Well I am glad of that. I would hate for there to be a divorce in the Cuthbert family; you lot come from good stock, that's what. But Marilla, we really must do something about this child. She'll burn the whole house down if we leave this to Samantha, and who knows what's next! Well, we can't just stand by and watch, and that you may tie to."

"I don't see how it's any of our business how the child is raised," Marilla said wryly, still looking at Rachel over the rim of her coffee mug. "Every parent is bound to make mistakes, and I'm sure Samantha and Matthew will learn from them."

"You can't tell me you agree with the whole situation!" Rachel said, aghast at even the idea, as if anyone in their right mind would swoop down and take control.

"No, I didn't say that. I've only seen Anne once, and they do have their work cut out for them." Marilla paused, thinking back for a moment on the last conversation she had had with Samantha. She had been evasive, but it had been very clear that her previous attitude of the entire predicament had become completely different. She was very defensive about the Anne Shirley in question, and avoided any specific answers as to the child's well-being. It wasn't in Marilla's nature to press for information, she kept mostly to herself and respected other's privacy. But, despite her usual discipline, even she couldn't help but occasionally go down the same train of thought that Rachel Lynde so recklessly pursued, albeit their conclusions were entirely different. Marilla meant what she said, it was truly none of her business at the moment. "I'll certainly be checking up to make sure they are doing all right though."

"As if that's enough," Rachel scoffed. "This has gone too far, Marilla. If I could, I would call social services myself and have them take her back; she has no business being in that house."

"I don't know if I would go as far as saying that. But, I suppose they may have bitten off more than they could chew. I might swing by and pay a visit."

"I was just about to suggest it. As much as I hate to say this, I know Samantha isn't going to listen to anything I say. But, pride cometh before the fall, that's what." At this suggestion Marilla hastily shook her head—if anything was a recipe for disaster, it was that. And thus was how Marilla's visit ended, with Rachel asking one more time if Marilla would like her to join, which Marilla responded with "I just want to check on them."

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