Then, he broke and went on a tangent. "No it's really not Sophia! You were by far the most qualified person for the job. I mean you graduated from Columbia with honors, you understood the job, and you're enjoyable to be around! God and now I have to put up with Allison and all her gum chomping. It's so annoying! And she thinks it's funny to sit in my chair all the time. Uh, no Allison, it's hella annoying."

At this point, I couldn't contain myself and I doubled over laughing. He was looking at me confused, and then I added "Did you really just say hella?"

Gavin, realizing that he did indeed say it, smiled and shook his head. "Whatever."

All in all, Gavin and I have met up a couple times in the last few weeks, going out for a casual dinner maybe once a week.

Including tonight.

"Well, that was fun once again," I told Gavin as we exited the elevator of my building. We had gone to listen to live music in the park after buying hot dogs from a vendor on the street. The music was not like my usual taste, but it was still enjoyable and at least Gavin was as laid back and kind as ever.

"Yeah, it was," Gavin agreed as we reached my front door.

And this is where things got awkward.

I wasn't entirely sure before, but now I'm almost certain that Gavin is interested in me. Romantically. To be honest I am not completely positive I feel the same way about him. I'm just testing things out, and since he hasn't made any sort of move, part of me is hoping that things are strictly platonic between us. I don't know why, either, because Gavin is everything girls want, I guess just not what I want.

Whenever Gavin asks me out on the town, my mind instantly goes to Will. That's why. Again, I curse that boy and his unwanted, lengthy occupancy of my mind.

I clicked my mouth to fill the empty air. "Thanks again for walking me up too," I told him again, thinking of how much I hate these situations.

He nodded, following that was more silence. "Goodnight, Sophia," Gavin said before leaning down to kiss me on the cheek. My eyes widened at the sudden move.

"Uh, goodnight," I told him before quickly ducking in the door as soon as I said the words.

Well, that definitely didn't seem platonic.

I pressed my back against the door, feeling very uneasy at the current events.

"A-ha!" Elise popped out of nowhere, causing me to jump in surprise.

"What?" I snapped, annoyed at her for cutting off my raging mind. I had problems to sort out and she's interrupting, as for usual.

"You've been denying it for the last two weeks! Just admit it, you're dating Gavin!" She exclaimed.

"Shut up," I groaned, walking passed her. Still, I refuse to admit the reality.

"I know it's true! He just kissed you!" She shouted, practically jumping around me.

"Just on the cheek! Were you seriously spying on us through the peephole?" Leave it to Elise to spy on people saying goodnight.

"Duh, I need to gather my facts so I can more effectively analyze your relationships." I often find myself wonder why I agreed to room up with such a psycho couples therapist. The girl is constantly up in my business.

"Shut up."

"Do you like him?" She probed.

"Elise," I complained more, but of course that didn't stop her.

"What about Will?"

I turned to glare at her, "Shut up."

"Does he know you're dating Gavin?"

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