The Fallen Star

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Ahkula smiles, as he walks through the yard of bodies, stopping when he spots the big muscular boss, a gunshot wound through his head.

"Such a shame," He chuckles, "the only thing you could do is just look tougher than you were."

"Oooh a pitiless voice," Someone calls down to him. "I can definitely see why the mother holds a slight lust for you."

Looking up, he spots Star standing on the roof tops. He smirks as he examines her new body's figure, then stops to her eyes. "Well... this is a pleasant surprise."

"You called me a pleasant surprise." Star smiles. "A woman could get used to that."

Walking off the roof, she lands on the ground and starts walking towards him. His smirk never fading, "You wouldn't be wanting to try another ambush against me? The last one didn't work so well for you."

Giving a slight chuckle, star stops. Only a couple feet away from him. "You are such a wonderful charmer, oooh what I wouldn't give to steal you for myself right now."

"You flatter me. However that little sirens trick isn't going to work," He speaks softly. "Your new look, a bigger bust, more alluring design. This has her work written all over you. I can only assume that she gave you more power as well?"

"My you are an intuitive one." She giggles. "What's so wrong with wanting to look nice for a date?" 

"This 'date' wouldn't happen to be another little skirmish would it?" He asks. "After all, it would be such a waste to lose something so pretty."

"You could just give up and come with me," She says. "You have nothing to worry about. She has no intent on killing you. Her eyes show a dark desire when you name is brought up, and it's no secret to why. You are her perfection, most of the others feel as if your the one to bring about her desires."

"I have no interest with working with her." Ahkula frowns, "She tricked me into this curse. That we bear."

"Tricked you?" She laughs, "you made a deal sweaty."

She walks over to him, and presses herself against him, she continues, "you made a deal with her, just like me, and everyone else."

"I made a deal to exact my revenge on my killer." He stares down at her. "And yet the minute I tried to leave this planet, she kept me here. Against what we agreed upon."

"But you are exacting revenge," She tries to argue.

"For other people." He growls, "and not even my people. I wanted to kill my murderer. Not be some ink wraith on a foreign planet!"

He tries to take a step back. But she takes his arm and pulls him close again. Her chest pressing against his. "Why do you resist. We want to be yours, Mother included. Why must you fight against your kind?"

Looking back down at her, he gives a soft smile. "Oh? Has the Star fallen just for me? Or something more misleading."

She smiles, "Curious aren't you."

"Curious, no." He replies. "I have a lover already. And despite how pretty you are, she is the one I chose."

Her eyes don't glare with rage. She looks to him a little more. "And what if... I want to experience that feeling? You've been pretty selfish lately. Why not indulge someone with what their desires are."

"That would mean betrayal to the one I want to cherish." He gives a dark grin. "And she scares me more than the mother ever could."

"I think you were to hasty in you decisions." She replies. "You only saw four suitors when in fact there were more. So much more."

"And your one of them?" He asks.

"You do catch on quickly." She nods. "Yes, I am one of them."

"Is that before or after the upgrades and change of will?" He asks.

"Does it matter? If you come home with me, back to Mother. You don't have to choose. You can have any pretty thing you set your eyes on. All mother asks in return is help retrieving the Sahkorah."

His eyes narrow, now it all makes sense. "Oh, any woman, my lustful mind can think of. I hate to say it but after hearing why I'm needed. I'd have to-"

A gunshot rings out, making Star jump back. Looking to where it came from, Ahkula sees Cerulean holding her pistol towards Star, it's barrel smoking. Her scowl shows rage.

She speaks to Star, "Stay away from my man."

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