Mutual Desires

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Entering the room, Ahkita looks to see Martha, Mishi, Cerulean, Kira, and Ahkula smiling. As she finishes up some tweaks to his arms calibration, Cerulean looks up and spots her. "Ahkita, how are you feeling."

Smiling, she continues to walk forward to them, "Better to see all these smiles."

Martha gets up and walks over to the door, "How is he?"

"Calm. I think he's ready to talk to you now, Martha." Ahkita nods.

"Thank you so much," Martha says as she hurries to her brother. Leaving Ahkita and the rest in the room. Until Kira sees the looks they are all giving Ahkula, "Well Cerulean. You can handle it from here. I'm old, and therefor tired. I will call it a night."

"Thank you for teaching me, Doctor Kira." She responds.

Nodding past Ahkita, he walks out of the room soon after, leaving only the four.

Mishi looks to Ahkita and Cerulean with a smile on her face. "My, my, my, left alone with our beloved prince."

"Indeed. I think we might need to be careful ladies. Someone would think something naughty was about to happen." Cerulean teases as well.

"Oh boy not this again." Ahkula chuckles. He turns to Ahkita, "how is Boyd?"

Ahkita nods and sits on the examination table, "better, I think. He seemed pretty humbled when I left him."

"Good." Ahkula replies.

"So... tell me Ahkita," Cerulean smirks. "Would you do it?"

Looking to Cerulean, she notices the stare and chuckles. "Well I mean. Only if he wanted to."

"Oh?" Mishi smiles, she walks over to Ahkita and giggles. "So if he offered right now?"

Ahkula shakes his head in annoyance, "Cerulean a bolt feels loose where the elbow connects to the upper arm. Can you look into it?"

Blinking she looks to the arm, once she notices nothing wrong, she catches onto his game. "Ah, ah, ah, your not allowed to weasel your way out of this."

"Why are you even bringing that up now anyway?" Ahkula sighs.

"To tease you, after all, three women who have fallen in love with you, and then a fourth currently finding more and more reasons to, you've got a lot of choices." Cerulean smiles.

"I'm done with this, if everything is fine with my arm, I'm stepping out." He stands.

Cerulean pulls him back into the seat as she laughs, "relax we are only toying with you."

"Yeah," Mishi nods as she leans against the wall. "You should know we'd wait for you to decide."

"My prince," Ahkita finishes. "We have chosen to follow you. And it's hard to not find you alluring to our hearts. You did so much for us when none else would."

"Not that it matters, I can't return the favor since, the feeling isn't mutual between any of you." he sighs. "Or have you forgotten the curse prevents that, Cerulean."

Her smile disappears as she nods, "That is a temporary problem. We can and will free you from it."

"Don't go through the trouble just for me," He groans.

"And why not?" Akhita replies. "As we have said you've done so much for us... we want to aid you too, as friends, and as those who love and admire you."

"Mishi gonna kill that witch." Mishi growls.

"Do you think she will seriously be that simple to defeat?" Ahkula looks to them. "Do you honestly believe that this is like a fairy tale where the dragon is slayed by a magic sword or something? In one go?"

"Of course not," Cerulean places her hand on his, "but that doesn't mean we won't try."

"You'd be putting your lives at risk." Ahkula looks to them, "This isn't Athilia, these lands are dark, unforgiving. And the foes blackened by something that won't be easy to kill."

"Look Ahkula," Mishi turns to him. "We won't say no to this."

Cerulean looks to Ahkita, whom nods in agreement. Then chuckles, "I have an idea. How about we set up times for him to spend some bonding time between each of us. Martha included. And that means a whole day with us alone. Once those days are over, and each of us has a turn to woo him. He chooses amongst us."

Ahkula looks to the ceiling, did they not just hear him when he said the curse won't allow him to share that depth of feeling?

"What are the rules?" Ahkita asks.

Cerulean shakes her head, "there are no rules, except that you can't interfere with the bonding day. Emergencies excluded of course. You can do what ever you want. And no one will judge if it happens to mean time in bed."

"I like this idea," Mishi nods, "And what happens if he chooses?"

"Then the others," Cerulean smiles, "will have to accept it. The mutual desires won't prevent us from being with him, one will just have a more intimate relationship with him than the others. Unless something goes wrong."

"Okay," Ahkita nods, "So I guess we decide who wants to go when?"

"MISHI WANTS TO GO FIRST!" Mishi cries in excitement.

"Martha can go after Mishi," Cerulean nods, "Ahkita you can go after Martha, and I will be last."

Ahkita nods, "This sounds pretty fair, I'll go along with it."

Cerulean looks to Ahkula, "And you don't have a choice. You have to play along, and you will have to choose."

"Fine I'll play your game." Ahkula nods, "But if this is supposed to be my happiness on the line. You better bring everything you got to 'woo' me."

All of them nods, "I'll go and inform Martha." Mishi jumps up and then walks out. 

Giggling, Ahkita starts to stand up and leave, "well I guess this is good luck to each then. And may the best heart win."

"Good night, Ahkita, and good luck to you too." Cerulean waves. After the door shuts behind Ahkita, Ahkula looks to Cerulean. "You seem fairly confident."

"How many times must I say it Ahkula?" Cerulean looks into this eyes. "I'm not losing you again."

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