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Martha screamed as she rose from the ground rushing to see to her brother. Ahkula and Cerulean look to her as she places her hand on Boyd's chest then pulls it back quickly looking to the blood stain on her palm. Tears are starting to fill her eyes. "What happened?"

Ahkula shakes his head, "I don't know... I wasn't able to get to him in time to prevent these wounds... just his death."

"So, he's alive?" Martha asks, "Let me take him."

Ahkula again shakes his head, "he is just barely alive. Please, I know you want to help him but shifting him more than necessary will only cause him to bleed to death faster."

"Can't you heal him?" She asks once more.

Again, Ahkula shakes his head regretfully. "No... His bones are probably shattered. And his organs are wrecked. This is beyond my capabilities."

Seeing Martha about to tear up once more, Ahkula continues, "I know of a man who can possibly help."

Martha glances back up to him as he continues, "the man is known as the Steel Doctor. He can possibly replace some of the damage done to Boyd."

She looks to Boyd, "How far..."

Ahkula sighs "about three days."

"Three days? But he may not last that long!" Martha cries.

Ahkula nods, "I know... but it's the best chance we got. And he's lasted this long."

He starts to walk past, until Cerulean asks what most are thinking, "how do you know of this man? How do you know what he can do and what he is called?"

"Don't worry about that just yet... let's me just give him a spot to rest." Ahkula calls back to her.

However she already has suspicions, of what he is hiding.

Placing Boyd down on a bed, Ahkita looks to the wounds and starts to tear open his shirt grabbing cloth bandages as she starts to cover the blood. And hopefully stopping the risk of him dying too soon.

Mishi looks to this and smiles, Ahkita looks down upon Boyd. One thief looking to another, she felt a kindred spirit within this boy. Admiration was in her eyes. Once she's finished she looks to Ahkula, then sees the wounds he suffered. "My prince."

"I'm fine," He responds. Ahkula stares onward from their little camp they made. "I can last much longer than he can."

Cerulean walks to his side and looks to his wounds. But from under the coat she sees a small glint from his shoulder, and even more from the lower side of his neck. But he looks to her, moving his head to where the scarf lowers covering what she trying to catch a closer look at what ever she was seeing. Then she looks to his eyes. "Why haven't your wound's healed? Most revenants would heal pretty quickly after a battle. But... yours are still visible."

"I'm starting to find it really interesting how you know so much about the curse." Ahkula glares to her, "care to explain?"

Cerulean smirks and then kisses his cheek, "books are wonderful objects, my love. They are brimming knowledge about many topics and subjects."

He chuckles, "Your hiding something."

"Just remember me a few days ago and you've already learned how to read me?" She smiles, "I better be careful. You might figure out all my dirty little secrets," She then leans closer and whispers, "and all my dirty little fantasies, my love."

He looks away and then continues, "My wounds don't heal the same, because I am still one with living flesh. If I was only a spirit, like the rest of my kind, I would be completely taken by the ink, you see. I would have no solid body, the healing process takes longer and if some wounds are severe enough, I will need medical examination and even treatment."

The Revenant Princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें