Martha, Cerulean, and The Final Choice

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Ahkula moves down to the dinning room table and smiles to find Cerulean there jotting something down on the table. His heart beats a bit faster as if excited to see her there. Sitting across from her, he chuckles. "And here I thought I never sleep."

Looking up to him, she gives a smirk pulling the notepad she was reviewing away and back in her pocket. "Well, well. Some alone time with you already, and it's not even my turn. Does this mean you've chosen?"

Shaking his head, "What would you do if I did?"

"Depends on who you chose." She leans forward resting her head in her hand while placing it on the table, he leans back placing his autogear on the back of the chair. "So who did you choose then?"

"No one yet, I still have Martha and you to spend time with." He nods. "Why did you set this up anyway?"

"Well we all have something to love about you, and you can't really choose all of us." She stops and then smirks, "Well you could, but you don't strike me as the harem type."

"When all four of your don't want to share?" He grins back, "that would be suicide."

Laughing she kicks her leg slightly back and forth. "I think I know who's going to win this little game. And to be honest, I'm not surprised."

"You still think your going to be my choice?" he raises an eyebrow. "What makes you so confident?"

"The fact that you're here, and not with any of the others." She answers, her eyes show more confidence than normal as it also reveals her desires.

He looks to her slowly losing his smile then starts to smirk again as he tilts his head down and his eyes close, "Maybe I like being down in this room? And the coincidences of you being here as well are nothing more than that."

"That would be true," she nods, "if you weren't you."

"How do you mean," he looks back to her.

"We both know that neither of us believe in coincidences, Ahkula" She says. "You either came down here looking for me, or you decided to stay because I was here." 

"You make me sound like an open book." He grins.

"I've known you for your entire life, dearest." she replies. "You may be a mystery to everyone else. But I know what to look for, when I want to find out what your thinking, or feeling."

"We've known each other for that long, huh?" He speaks. "Too bad I don't remember anything after my death."

"Your heart does," She adds.

He looks to her once more, "and how do you know that?"

"The way you talk to me, look at me, and even how you act when your around me." She answers. "Don't look so embarrassed, I'm the same around you too Ahkula. I know I'll win because it was meant to be. Your entire life time, every woman who wanted to be yours, and you still chose me over the rest in the kingdom. And now here. Fate is not something I believe in, but the passions of the heart, I definitely believe in that. And if the heart finds someone who shares the same passion, despite their differences or similarities, they will be together until death, and even then their spirits will find each other again."

Looking outside, morning starts to approach, Martha starts to hum as she walks to the stair well. Hearing this, Ahkula stands.

"Even if your right, I'm still giving them a chance." He walks out side.

Chuckling, Cerulean watches him leave, "just what I would expect from a kind heart, my prince."

Martha soon walks down with Ahkita as well, "Thank you again."

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