Blood Ties

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As they start to approach the hideout, Ahkita and Kyaru both turn to Ahkula.

"It's not far now." Kyaru says. Ahkita continues, "we spotted a way for entrance. A place for us to enter quietly if need be."

Looking down to the fortifications of the building, Ahkula smirks. "I have a better idea."

"What do you propose?" Kyaru asks.

Ahkula turns to Kyaru, "An approach from two directions. I will enter from the main gate, Kyaru, you can handle the side path."

Kyaru nods as he looks back to the compound. "I see, diversions. Not a bad plan."

"What if your overrun?" Ahkita asks.

"I won't be." Ahkula replies as he looks to Blake.

Giving a sigh, Blake knows what he means, "You're lucky I have a spare." 

He glares to Ahkula, the spare rifle looks exactly like the first. White ivory stock, elongated barrel, engraved with vines and leaves.

Nodding Ahkula starts to make his way down. "Kyaru, Ahkita, proceed how ever you wish."

Nodding, Kyuar looks to Ahkita, they then jump off and rush to the other side of the fortress of a hideout. Blake starts to walk to the edge of a flatted rock, lays down and  waits for the inevitable.

Walking towards the fortifications, Ahkula hears a shout down to him.

"Hey! Stop or we will put you in the ground!"

Looking up to see who was the one shouting, Ahkula spots several men with automatic rifles staring down at him. Several more come to them one with a long tube on his shoulders.

Giving a dark smile, Ahkula waits a few more moments, letting Kyaru and Ahkita get to where they need to be. After a while of silence, the guards look to one another confused.

Looking to one of the windows off to his left, he spots Kyaru giving a thumbs up. Seeing their inside, Ahkula draws the Judgment and fire faster than they can track.

One of the guards fall onto the ground, as the rest open fire. The hail of bullets fired down on him forces him to take cover behind one of the walls, the twisted grin shows below the brim of Ahkula's hat. Walking forward he starts to fire more rounds at the men. Killing with ever pull of the trigger.

Soon shouting is heard from their ranks about a sniper. Looking up, Ahkula watches man after man fall to their deaths as a bullet leaves their skull. Looking to Blake, he sees flash after flash from his rifle.

Reloading, Ahkula starts to run towards the guards.

Kyaru gives the thumbs up to Ahkula, after seeing Ahkula look away, he turns to Ahkita and nods. "We need to move now."

Nodding, they start to move down the corridor, Kyaru up front while Ahkita follows rifle ready. Two guards hear their running, but as they turn towards them. Kyaru throws a small pouch, erupting white smoke floods the hall.

Jumping over one of them, Kyaru pulls out a knife, the glistening blade finds a new home in one of the guards. The sound of steel slicing flesh confirms the death of one, another moment the sound of gurgling cries from another last guard. The smoke starts to clear as Ahkita spots Kyaru pulling one dagger out of the first guard, and the corpes of the second lying down with his throat slit.

Standing, Kyaru cleans the blades and looks to Ahkita, "We need to move on."

Ahkita looks up to him stunned, death wasn't something that bothered her much any more. But the miraculous change in Kyaru, it was amazing.

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