Broken Flesh, Reborn Steel

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"So you can either start with checking the wires and replacing what's damaged," Kira starts, "Or you can start working on structural damage."

"What are the pro's and cons of both?" Cerulean asks.

"Replacing the wires would mean that you wouldn't have to worry so much about where they fit until the structure, ligaments, and joints are installed, and it hurts him less. However that means that you would be fighting a jungle of them while installing the steel." Kira explains, " Starting with repairing and replacing the structure means that you wouldn't be dealing with the wires until you need them. However it hurts him more... and you'd be short on space to dig in to work. Now that is a problem for most men since their hands tend to be more bulky than a females. Hence why you'd see more autogear mechanics that are female."

She nods and looks to Ahkula, "Which would you prefer?"

"Get the structure set." He shakes his head, "however the preference of the patient doesn't matter if it flaws the efficiency of the mechanic."

Nodding, she starts to work on getting the steel back into place or removed to be replaced, Kira nods to Ahkula and chuckles. "So you have been paying attention."

"Why do you think I never asked you specifics when it came to fixing me." Ahkula replies, he then fiddles to get another cigarette, tapping the butt of one from the small carton, he bites slightly on it and pulls it out while maneuvering it to pull another end out. Holding it to Kira, he continues. "You're the master after all. So why bother questioning your knowledge?"

Chuckling, Kira takes the cigarette and then bends down to Ahkula, waiting for a light. "I have taught you well."

As he takes out his lighter and striking it, Ahkula smirks, then he brings it up to Kira's cigarette. After a couple of quick inhales, the tobacco starts to burn and Kira stands straight. As Ahkula starts to light his, he continues, "I guess you have old man. In your own way."

Sparks start to fly from the autogear, which makes both Kira and Ahkula look over. Cerulean groans a bit but keeps working.

"If you need to, remove the bad wires as you work on the steel." Kira nods, "I wouldn't normally suggest that since it causes a lot of discomfort for the patients, but since this is Ahkula... and not some other person. You're pretty safe to work in how you need to without worry of causing pain."

She looks to Kira, then to Ahkula, as if seeking approval. Ahkula smiles. "Now I thought you knew me better than that?"

Returning with a small smirk of her own, she replies. "A couple centuries of personality change, tends to make you difficult to read."

Ahkula shakes his head and turns back to the patch of ceiling he was looking at.

"So, my questions doctor?" She asks.

Kira walks over to her and watches her work. As he takes another drag of the smoke, he begins. "About a couple centuries ago."

"So the fifty years are a collective amount. And not how long he's known you." She nods.

"That's right." Kira nods. "I take it he told you about the first time I met him. How he got his autogear."

"Yes," She replies as she keeps working.

"Be careful around those things. Those are receptors that channel the natural nervous electric shocks to allow his arm to move. Bust those, and he can't work the arm." He explains. Then he continues. "There were too many times to count that he came to my door, broken in some way or another. Sometimes he had no ginze... others he could pay off all the previous debts."

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