Mostly Machine

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Moments after she spoke last, Ahkula puts his pistol away. Cerulean looks to it, and then back to him as he looks down and closes his eyes. "I'm going to put all of my trust in what I just heard."

Cerulean starts to smile until he looks to her again from the corner of his eyes, "prove me wrong. And you will have shattered what ever we may have built again."

Her gaze to him appears worried but then nods regaining her normal composure, "yes, my dear. I make the same promise as I did before, I will not lose you again."

Ahkula nods. Kira starts to speak now as he keeps working. "Young love, hrmph, they say it never lasts."

"How is it coming," Ahkula asks.

"Almost done, some of the magnetic waves left some to the joints out of place, askew if you would. Not to mention some of the bullets that went through your flesh into the mechanisms hiding behind your skin. Basically your a mess, and should take much better care of yourself." Kira grumbles.

"Thank you doctor." Cerulean smiles to him, placing her hand on Ahkula's.

Looking to her, "If he trusts you... then I guess I could as well." he nods, "just make sure this idiot stops giving me work, I'd like to retire in peace if you don't mind."

Chuckling she gives a soft smirk, "You know that's not possible with him."

"Eh... you too huh?" He grins.

"All the time." She nods.

Ahkula looks to them both, till Cerulean answers. "That we worry about you."

"Great so both of you don't believe that I'm capable." Ahkula groans. Sparks fly from his arm and his looks like he's about to jump from the chair in pain, "HEY WATCH IT OLD MAN!"

"It's not that don't believe your capable, moron." Kira scowls. "What will you do when you lose this arm and I'm not around to help you? I'm not immortal you know."

"You could have fooled me," Ahkula sighs sitting back.

"Could you teach me?" Cerulean asks.

Nodding, he replies "I suppose I could, but that would depend on how long your willing to stay and learn."

"If it can keep him on his own two feet." Cerulean chuckles, "Then I can learn a thing or two."

"Or two hundred, this isn't like a standard mechanics job girly." Kira grunts. "You mess up doing what I'm doing now..."

Just after he says that, Ahkula groans in pain, his body lurches up and stiffens, and breaks into a cold sweat, as excruciating pain flares through his body, blood and oil starts to leak. Cerulean stands taking hold of his hand panicked looking to see what she can do to help. Quick to react, Kira takes a small welder and sparks fly from the internals again. The blood and oil stop leaking, Ahkula's breaths are short and raspy as he eases back into the chair sweat still beading his forehead, his heart slowing back down.

"... you could end up killing him." Kira finishes as he sighs. "Sorry about that. A bullet was lodged in between some metal and wiring."

Ahkula nods as he continues to try and shake off what just happened.

Sighing he continues to shake his head, "your going to need more autogear by the time I finish this examination of the bionic connection."

"How long will it take?" Ahkula asks.

"I don't know... depending on if I can get parts. Some upgraded materials for the internals. And some more smokes. I feel like we're going to run out by the time this is over." Kira sighs. "It's going to have to wait since I need to wake up the boy soon. Do you want to put your arm on or just cover the whole with a quick patch steel and weld."

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