The Chained Wolf Bites Back

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The harvester growls as he looks to Ahkula and the pistol. "You couldn't hit me if you tried. I'm too fast for you."

"Tell that to the last ones who tried it. And be sure to visit the third down in the pits you call hell. Because I'm sure he could use some entertainment in his after life." Ahkula replies. "Now am I going to have to repeat myself?"

Letting go of Cerulean, the harvester turns fully to Ahkula. "Do you really think you can just fight me so easily? You lower class wretch." 

"Oh I'd be scared," Ahkula smirks, "however I know that cowards like you upper class, only ever fight in packs. So... where are they?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" The harvester sneers. "Is that a hint of fear in-"

"Listen, I'm a busy man, with a busy day ahead of me." Ahkula looks back to him more pissed off than before. "I'll give you the better part of three seconds to tell me before I blow your head into the wall of the five houses."

The harvester looks to him, his face shows confusion. He is a harvester. The most dangerous revenant alive! The most dangerous thing alive! And yet this lower class garbage, is staring him down with a pistol. And no fear is seen from him.

"Fine," Ahkula smirks. "I like surprises anyway."

The harvester glares to him and then starts to laugh, "you put on a good show. But I know your terrified. Just-"

Ahkula fires the round, the explosion from the barrel throws the bullet into the next three buildings causing the walls to crumble around where the bullet hit. Making it seem larger than when it hit.

The harvester looks to the wall confused, He has a weapon like that? No matter. He clearly doesn't know how to use it.

"Now that is interesting." Ahkula chuckles as he looks to the wall as well.

Taking a closer look the harvester sees blood, and then grows worried when he looks up onto the roof and sees a grey haired woman staring down at them, one of the other harvesters, but she's holding her stomach and looks to be in pain.

"I was curious why you looked like humans," Ahkula says. The harvester turns back to see the barrel trained back at his head, "You did get an upgrade. She gave you living bodies."

"How- how do you know that?" The harvester asks.

"Because, I also am in a living body." Ahkula laughs, "I guess that means you have a lot to learn about the limitations of the physical body."

The crimson jumps back up to the silver haired on, holding a sword now, he glares down to him. "Go back."

"But I can," she woman tries to retaliate.

"I said go back!" The crimson yells. In a flash, the woman is gone. Soon more land on the rooftops around Ahkula and Cerulean.

Ahkula gives an impressed whistle, "wow you brought more friends than I had to fight last time."

Cerulean looks around a bit worried, but her pistol and sword is drawn, Ahkula laughs. "You guys sure know how to make someone feel special."

A male with black hair aims a rifle at Ahkula, long, with a large scope, the bore is wide. Giving the hint that the payload it fires, has a lot of force behind a big bullet. Another female grips two bayonets waiting for the attack strike, two men glare down with daggers in hand, both with brown hair. And one more female stares down with a sword and some sort of machine pistol. All of their red eyes focus on them. 

"The mother only wants him!" The crimson one shouts. "Kill the other!"

Cerulean looks around as some train their guns on her, worried about their situation, she looks to see Ahkula stand closer to her, and in front of her. He stares to each of them waiting for the first bullet to be fired. After a while, the black haired female fires her pistol, the round hits Ahkula in the shoulder, he recoils a bit and then chuckles as the ink retreats from the wound and throughout his skin vanishing from view, the bullet falls from the wound as it was pushed out, blood stains cover it.

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