The Curse, and Love of Four

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"I see..." Ahkula shakes his head. "You really have come a long way."

They both nod. Ahkita then speaks, "does this mean you will come home?"

Mishi looks to him in an urgency for to agree, "Yes my prince, please come home. Your people need you."

Ahkula sighs, "I cannot leave this planet. I have tried." He walks over to Boyd, and pat's his shoulder, "I also made a promise."

"You made a promise to who?" Mishi asks.

"Come and see." Ahkula walks into the house. Boyd follows, "She's in bed again."

"Ahkula," Ahkita calls to him.

He stops and turns to her, "What is it?"

"Velmir... spoke of powers that prevented her from contacting you." She continues. But before she can speak again Ahkula raises his hand. "That is true, but I cannot go into detail at the moment. I must attend to someone."

He continues inside as the others follow, Boyd leads him to the door and knocks. "Sis... are you okay?"

"I feel a bit better. Who is with you?" Martha calls.

"It's Ahkula, Martha." Ahkula speaks from behind the door. "May I come in? Are you indecent?"

"No, please, do come in." Her voice sounds slightly more excited than just a moment ago when he called to her and he as he opens the door, he turns to Boyd. "Do you wish to come in as well Boyd?"

He shakes his head, "No, please see to her though. I have... something I need to deal with."

"Boyd," he says to the boy. "Don't leave this house. If you do... I will tell her the truth."

Snapping his eyes back onto Ahkula, Boyd then shakes his head, "please don't, I'll stay, I'll stay."

Ahkula  nods, "Thank you."

He shuts the door, as Boyd sighs he walks back to the kitchen where Mishi glares at the door, and Ahkita stands against the wall looking to Boyd. 

"And who the Sogra is she to him?" Mishi growls slightly.

"That is my sister..." Boyd sighs. "A few years ago. She was diagnosed with a disease the doctors didn't even have a name for, let alone a cure."

Ahkita nods, "so he hasn't changed that much then."

"What do you mean?" Boyd looks to her.

"The prince is... was, the son of a healer and a very intelligent general. His mother and father. His mother was fabled to heal even the mortally ill by just a smile. Her spells were a sight to behold and the miracles were nothing less than spectacular. He doesn't possess the magic, but he learned enough of the worlds and means of making potions or other medicinal means to heal just as well as his mother. Some even say he is more skilled since he has to find other means than natural born magic." Ahkita smiles, Mishi grins as well as she continues. "He was even responsible for healing an entire army single handedly."

"Whoa... he did all that?" Boyd asks.

Mishi nods, "Your feeble doctors here could never compare to him. Your sister will be cure within a moment of minutes."

"At most a few days," Ahkita chuckles.

"You two really seem to like him." Boyd sits down in a chair next to the table.

Ahkita lets out a smile, "he... well... when he was a prince, after his parents died. He came to each person in the village... at the time I was little more than a thief. My family was poor and I was sent to make ends meat by stealing. Until I was caught by him."

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