Chapter 1

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So ladies and gentlemen. My fellow readers, I hug you warmly for now I hope you enjoy. At the end of the chapter you'll find the characters and their names so everyone can see.

Must read.

This story also contains obscene language(well not really but yeah) and there isn't any sexual parts but if do I'll warn at the beginning of the chapter. Okay u all.
That's all enjoy..muazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

Sara POV

My name is Sara Carter, I am 17 years old. I've remember everything about my parents death and how in happen. It was like it was just yesterday. I really missed them..but of course I have to forget about the past because my new beginning starts from today, when I moved to Poinciana Town with my best friend Rachel whom I consider a sister and her mother Jemma whom I consider my mother. I've been staying with them for 12 years now. Both me and Rachel are 17 years,only she is a few months older than me. And both me and Rachel are on summer vacation that last week. Today is Sunday.
"Okie dokie my princesses we're almost there." My mother (Jemma) said.
"Mom how many times do I have to say that both me and Sara are 17 years... we're big girls now no longer toddlers." Rachel said.
"Oh..Rachel it's okay, it's not a bad thing." I said to her.
" always say's like this conversation is always repeated!" Rachel said pouted. We all laughed out loud.
"Oh, we're here!" My mom said.
"Oh mom!" Both me and Rachel said together.
The house was not so bad after all. It was a normal house. It seems haunted, but I mean those things aren't even real so I guess it'll work. It has to work.
"So what do you girls think? Also there is a spring in the back of the house. That I know both my girls will love." Mummy Jemma said.
"Mum it looks great...nice taste!"I said.
And Rachel simply nodded her head.
As we walked inside the house we met our living room. Our belongings like couch, television, refrigerator, cupboard and all those things has already been moved in here since the beginning of the week. All we have had to bring was our clothes, perfume and those personal things.
"Oh uhm...girls I forgot that the both of you may have to share a room... because there are only 2 bedrooms. So I hope it's okay with you all?" Mum said.
"It's no problem mum." Both me and Rachel said at the same time.
After checking out the kitchen, basement, attic we then left to go our bedroom.
"Well guess we're sharing a room but separate beds?" Rachel said.
"It's our double-decker. You taking up or down?" I asked.
"Uhm you decide." I know Rachel likes the bottom because she's afraid that she might roll of the top.
"Uhm I stick with about you?" Just asking in case she makes an change.
"You done know huh... I'll obviously take the bottom." She said shyly making us both giggle.
After what seems like hours of unpacking our suitcases...we both also have separate cupboards of course, we decided to freshen up as it was already 6:00 p.m.
"Sara! Rachel! 30 minutes again before dinner!" Mum called.
"We're coming in a few mum..need any help!?"I responded back.
"No thanks hunny...I almost done anyways!" She replied.
"Okie dokie!"I said to her.
Oh boy why on earth did I let Rachel go in first, she's like in there since 5:30. Yeah Rachel takes like a million years to get changed..worst when she's going to a party or the mall.
"Hey sis, do you mind...mum said that dinner is almost ready and I haven't even shower yet! So please hurry it up!" I screamed and banged on the door.
"Okay! Okay! I'm finished." Rachel said coming out of the bathroom.
"Finally." I signed out.
I went in and 40 minutes, Rachel and our mum (Jemma) were eating dinner... which is spaghetti and meatballs...mines and Rachel's favorite.


We heard coming from the back door which was at the back of the staircase.
"Mom? What was that?" Rachel asked looking scared, which I'd knew because she gets scared real quick.
"It's probably just the wind Rachel.. nothing to worry about." I said trying to comfort her.
"Yeah Rachel Sara is right's.. probably just the..."she was cut of.


We heard it again.
"Mom?" Rachel said.
"Okay...okay... I'll check okay. Sara please stay with Rachel and uhmmm..calm down." My mum said whom seems kind of scared.
"Mum. Why don't you stay with Rachel and I'll go check it out?"I said getting up.
"Okay...but be careful hunny." I nodded and went to check.
I opened the back door slowly and just chuckle to myself.
"Well..Sara what is it?" Rachel said out aloud. I closed the door and went back to the dinning room.
"Told you its just the wind."I started laughing. My mum and Rachel started laughing as well.

2 hours later.

"Hey uhmmm Sara I know that this isn't the right time to tell you fact give this to you." I looked confused. Rachel was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Then I saw her taking out a beautiful silver heart shape necklace.
"Mum? What's that?" I asked because literally this is the first time I've seen this.
"Oh..yeah this was your mother's." She said that one word 'mother' brought tears in my eyes.
"You know we was close, right?" I nodded. They were actually best of friends like me and Rachel.
"Well she wanted me to give this to you. She's says that when I think the time is right... proving you're brave enough, to give it to you. But she said to choose between you and Rachel. But you're actually braver than her. So I've chosen to give this to you." By now I was shedding tears.
"Thank..."I said breaking up.
"Now, now silly girl.. I'm here you don't have to worry. Now stop crying or else if Rachel sees know how she'll be." I nodded and smiled, knowing exactly how she'll be, crying also.


Vote and comments...hope you all enjoyed that.😘😍💖

Keep reading...up next is heated.💨💨


Btw I dedicate this book to all my fellow readers.. That is if I do get any...but anyways... for those of you who decided to read means a lot to me.


I'm writing the characters so everyone can see.

💖Sara Carter: Karishma Robert.
✌Bill Logan: Liam Payne.
😻Rachel Brown: Hannah Seepersad.
😎Matthew Logan: Matthew Espinosa.
🌹Ms.Jemma Brown: Kylie Jenna.
🍁Mr.Logan: Dwayne Johnson.
🎃Mrs.Sylvia: Zoe Sugg.
🌸Vidya Kapoor: Kajol
🎆Anil Kapoor: ShahRukh Khan.
🚃Vidya's son Amar: Brian Robert.
😈Demon: Lucifer.

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