Chapter 9

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Luhan's POV

"Chae Yoon will be safe. Definitely. It's just a minute away to our rooms, so I will probably see her there. But why do I feel weird?" I thought to myself.

We are currently on the elevator, fully loaded. How many cows exactly did these guys ate? I wouldn't be surprised if this elevator collapsed. This is the reason why were moving up slowly. I wish I was with Chae. Every slow motion I get here, will be spent together with her. Only if I could do magic.

"What floor are our rooms located?" Kai mumbled.

"Dammit. I totally forgot!" Suho retorted.

"The 18th floor, I remember." Taemin yelled.

"Going up!" Tao continued.


We went out the elevator and searched for our rooms. But I guess it's not on this floor.

"Ya Taemin I told you its not here!" Kai argued.

All of us went back the elevator. And now Jongin pushed the button that says 20.


The 13 of us went out the elevator and seek for our designated rooms. But where are our rooms? Guess it's not on this floor too tho.

"Say the genius blockhead!" Taemin yelled at Kai and messed up his hair.

We went back again inside the elevator and stared at each other.

"So what now?" Kyungsoo questioned.

"The 24th! I remembered it now! It's on the 24th! Believe me guys, Im far different from this two pea brains." Sehun butted in.

Without farther adue. Sehun pushed the button that says 24.


For the third time, we went out the elevator and seeked for our rooms.

"My beeed! I can finally sleep in peace!" Lay shouted while hugging the hallway floor.

"Yo stop messing around." Kris mumbled to Yixing and picked him up the floor.

"B-but sleeping is my style ne." Lay continued.

"You are not my style but one more freakin disobedience Lay Im gonna throw you out this hotel! Are we clear?!" Kris whose tired suddenly got pissed.

"Yes Kreaaaaaase. But can you just please carry me?" Lay retorted.

"Im so done with you Yixing! Prepare or else Ace will end up eating you! I cant anymore, Tao be in my place now!" Kris was flaring and pulled Tao infront of him to be Lay's companion.

"Oh Taooo~ah!" Yixing exclaimed.

"Hyung, are you ready?" Tao questioned Lay and they end up playing jackstone on the hallway while waiting for the others.

"I will never understand these kids. *facepalm" Kris mumbled.

"Its not here either!" The derp squad chorused.

"So whose the pea brain now, Oh Sehun?! I didnt even know that you have a brain afterall." Kai and Jongin laughed at Sehun.

"Laugh all you want. Whatever." Sehun mumbled.

"HA HA HA HA!" Taemin and Kai were holding their stomachs while laughing pointing out Sehun.

We went again inside the elevator. And I hope this would be the last one. How could this maknae line be so dumb? Taemin, Kai, Sehun. It's like the dumb, dumber, and the dumbest. Actually the 3 of them are pea brains.

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