Chapter 3

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Chae Yoon's POV

I was standing infront of the mirror in the toilet room. I was watching my reflection and still is confused about everything."

"Is this thing real?" I was asking myself.

I bow down, I washed my face cos it seemed unreal. I looked at the mirror again, to see my reflection.

"I can't believe this. I really can't." I utter, while fake crying.

"I really cant believe that."

"That there's a pimple growing on my face! My face isn't virgin anymore! How could they?! Ottoeke?" I mumbled to myself.

Wait. Did that jerk saw this? I can't show my face. Aish! Why am I thinking about this? Never did I thought I would be marrying such person. Yes he's cute. (Did I just say cute? Haha) But he's not my type! I can't marry a man prettier than I am! Jerkin jerkiny jerk!~

I should burry my face 6 feet below the ground! How could I slip during that tense moment?! Ha?! Me? Blushed?! In his face! i hate him tho! He's just imagining things beyond reality! The Lee Chae Yoon blushed? Ha ha ha. Maybe a little. (Did I just said a little?!) Aigoooo. Pabo Chae Yoon~ahhh.

Many thoughts clouded on my mind. I am still confused of everything, including my pimple.

"I must tell them. I'm sure he's not interested too. So here goes nothing." I took a deep breath.

Yes, like duh? I am Lee Chae Yoon, The Lee Chae Yoon. I'm not afraid of anything. Hahaha.


Luhan's POV

I was lying on the floor when someone bumped on me. The next thing I remember was she was on top of me. Our faces were only inches away from each other. I could feel her heavy breathing. I was looking at her, her face covered with her hair and I saw how she turned crimson red.

She seemed familiar.

She got up and stood up.

"YAAAAAAAAAH!" We both exclaimed in chorus.

She cut me off before I could say anything. "Holy breadcramps of effin float! Youre the one who bumped on me earlier! Yaaah! You little demon! Do you have manners?! Say sorry!" She shouted on me.

"Why would I?" I smirked at her.

"Were in equal now. I bumped into you earlier and now youre the one who bumped on me now? So there's no need for me to make an apology." I teasingly told her. She was cute making those faces.

"YOU SHOULD YOU DEMON!" She again shouted at me giving me that what-the-hell-look. "But wait what are you doing here?! Don't tell me that."

"I WILL BE MARRYING YOU?!" I cut her off and we both yelled in chorus.

She laughed so damn hard. And I joined her sarcastically.

"What's so funny, ha?" She exclaimed.

"You're so cute." I cut her off before she could say anything. And I gave her the sweetest smile.

"M-m-mwo? Ha! Are you kidding me?" She seemed pissed. Yet I find it cute.

"You're blushing." I gave out a laugh.

"Whatever! You still have a favor to pay!" She exclaimed while walking to the toilet room.

Before she could enter and make another step.

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