Chapter 1

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Someone call the doctor nal butjapgo, malhaejwo. Sarangeun gyeolguk jungdok overdose~

My phone was singing a particular alarm song. As I went to stretch both of my arms, reaching for my phone at the bedside to snooze off the addicting alarm song.

"So I'm meeting him today, neh? I will surely give him hell." I mumbled to myself as I rubbed my eyes, slowly adopting to the light of my now sun raised room.

"Chae Yoon, sweety. Are you awake?" A familiar voice knocked from outside my room's door.

"Neh eomma, I'll be up in a bit." I sheepishly shouted, only for my mom to hear.

I went running down from my bed to my bathroom. It was hella exhausting to run from bed going to the bathroom. Not to mention that my room is so big! Right when Im about to reach for the bathroom's doorknob, I slipped and slammed my head on the not-that-so-hard door.

"Mother of cucumbers in ceasar salad! Ouchhhh! That hurts pretty bad!" I mumbled while rubbing my head to see if there is a mountain about to grow on my head.

I glared around the innocent floor, and there I found a banana peel. What the? Don't tell me bananas undress on their own and walks to make way to my room. "Lee Taeminnnnnnn! You little, urghhh! If only you're not cute, sexy, handsome brother of mine, I wouldve imagined you walking on safety pins now. Crying blood and asking for my forgiveness." Huehue as an evil aura takes hold behind me.

"Creepy." Taemin mumbles hiding behind mom, as his head pops out from mom's shoulder.

"Taemin, baby, You should say what to your sister?" Mom crossed her arms as she looks at Taemin.

"But sh-she." Taemin was cut off by mom, as she acts so cutely to make him aware of what he did.

"Oky, I get it mom. Just dont give me that creepy smile. Oky?" He then dashed towards me. "Noona, Im sorry for what I did. Forgive me, ne? Ne? Noona." As he holds both of my hands and rubs his face on my shoulders like a lost puppy. "Who would say no to such a cute brother?" I mumbled to him as he gave me a peck on my cheeks.

"Omo! Look at you two. Good to always have a camera around me. Another sweety-bitty brother, sister thing. Now hurry you two you better get ready."

As mom left us those words. Nonetheless Taemin went back to his room to get ready and so as for me.


I went down looking ready as ever. As I saw mom and dad with Taemin on the couch.

"Eomma, Appa." I greeted them first. "I have to go to Beanery Café first, to feed my grumbling baby tum-tum. I'll catch up so lets see each other later." Without any words, I left my parents and brother and drove my car to Cheongdamdong.


I'm Lee Chae Yoon. 22 years of age. I may have a filthy rich family background but I'm just one of those creepy, anti-social, geeky look alikes, even tho Im a bit of an airhead. And yes, I'm bound to marry a guy named Xi Luhan of Exo that I dont even know who he is and what Exo is. I HATE HIM. (I didn't even know they were the ones singing my alarm sound) Im a bit lost of what is happening to Korea right now, i may be born here but I was raised in America, I know couple of boy groups. TVXQ, Bigbang, SJ, SHINee, and BTS. Like duh, Im not that outdated and by the age of 20 I went back here for family matters. And bound to marry him for my company needs his company, and so on. And that's the deal. I cant say no to my parents who were all good to me and nothing less. Even tho I hate being in an arrange marriage.

Meanwhile at the café~

Chae Yoon's POV

I went on the cashier table to get myself a macchiato. As soon as I got my order, I headed out of the café. A man rushing his way bumped on me. My macchiato flew on thin air and the next thing i see myself covered with it.

"Holy broccoli mother of vegies! What the?! Yaaaaa!" I shouted at the man who bumped into me. "Are you belittling me? Did you not see me?! Am I that small for you to not see me?! Aissssh this person!" I said angrily to him as he was helping me wipe off the macchiato on my dress and helping me stand.

"You je-jer.." I was cut off by him as he turned his face towards me and gave me those puppy eyes and begged for forgiveness. Oh God am I in heaven? I swear angels are only found in heaven. Why am I seeing one infront of me? Am I dead? If yes, please you should have." I was again cut off by people talking around me. Staring at me as if I was doing something illegal and out of mind cos I'm talking to myself.

The next thing I see myself drooling, slacked jaw, in utter disbelief that such being exist.

After awhile and got my self cleaned.

StillChae Yoon's POV

"I swear, I will never drink macchiatos ever again. It makes me high and did I even just see an angel?!" I mumbled, only audible for me to hear.

"Pabo! Chae Yoon, you pabo." I pouted.
(Was I again talking to myself?! Dayuuum I cursed to whoever made macchiatos!)

How could I not answer that jerk? I could've kicked him or show him my mashing chop thats very well known in America. Bahahaha. I hate him so much even tho he's asdgah handsome.

Someone call the doctor nal butjapgo, malhaejwo. Sarangeun gyeolguk jungdok overdose~

"Crap! I forgot I have somewhere to go to and meet them! Oh god why am I so stupid?! Lord could you lend Einstein's head to me even for a day? I would pay for the rent tho." I turned off my alarm and mumbled to how stupid I am.

I run off to my car. Started the engine and asta la vista baby! Im going to meet them now.

Cliffhanger! Did I just? Oh what did I do? Haha. So who do you think Chae Yoon bumped to? Who was she going to meet? Lol. You'll know that in the next chapter tho. So til here guys. I'll update as soon as I can.~

This is my ever first fic. And I hope you liked chapter one. I included SHINee's Taemin as Chae Yoon's bro too tho. Did you like his character? Tell me! Lols!
Til next time! :D Kamsa! ^^

-cazynssi ❤️

Im Married to Exo's Luhan!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ