Chapter 3: The Deception

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"Okay khrap." I replied as I end the call. What a pain in the ass, these bestfriends of mine! I was busy putting my phone inside my pocket, that I didn't notice something, rather someone, standing behind my back.

"Beam." He whispers near my ear as the voice echoes and send tingling sensation on my whole body. I had to shudder before covering my ear and twirl around.

Curse the fates for meeting this person who created all this havoc in me! I just smiled awkwardly at him since I don't know what to do at that exact moment.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Pha and Kit?" Forth asks as he flash that warm smile at me. Dang! He is handsome! But not my type, I prefer cute boys being laid!

"Uh...." What the fuck is with that hesitation?! "Uhm...I'm on my way there actually." I stammered, and curse myself for acting like this in front of him.

"O-okay, let's walk together then." He suggested making my eyes wide open, did he just?! That's it!

"Well, maybe you should go first, I don't want you to be late for your practice." Where the hell did this came from?! I sounded concerned!!! I'm not that type of person I swear! Only to my bestfriends, yes!

He chuckles at my suggestion then nodded his head, smiling at me before walking ahead, with me tailing, I mean following him. I just noticed the things he's carrying.

"I forgot to ask." I started as he looks at me, walking backwards. Why is he doing that? He might fall you know? Not that I'm concerned or anything! "What are you doing over here, shouldn't you be practicing?" I ask as I look at him plainly.

"I had an errand to do. The organizers seek for my help." He explains as he smiles at me. That explains it. He turns his body and started walking normally.

"Okay." I uttered and the way to the practice room is quiet. I glance at his hand and saw no string attached to his pinky. I sigh in relief that P'Pick's method actually works.

Once I'm spotted by an angry kitty, he crosses his arms and gave me a stern look while tapping his foot on the ground. I slowed my pace as I can already predict what's going to happen next.

"Sheesh! Where the hell have you been?!" He bark as I was a meter away from him, and I'm keeping the distance between us.

"To see my cousin." I reasoned truthfully. I gave him my most convincing face I could put, but to no avail, he huff angrily.

"Yeah, you told us yesterday. But how come you're late?! Busy banging someone again?!" He bursted, making me frown at his words.

"Blame my airhead cousin Kit! He showed up late and I had to wait for an hour!!" I defended as I put on a serious look. He sighs and put his arms on the side.

"Fine~" He stated as I can hear the defeated tone he used. After a while, we heard a chuckle coming from my side. Shit! He's been watching us bickering for the whole time?! I was agape by his presence.

"F-Forth?" Kit stuttered as we blush from the embarrassment. Fuck it! Fuck my life! Fuck it all!

"Don't worry about it, I'm used seeing my friends bicker all the time." Forth reassured as he winks at us, I think to me...? His gaze is on mine! Fuck you! He then entered the practice room, leaving Kit and I embarrassed on our actions.

During their break, the great Phana scolded me being late, and me being me, let all the words go inside my ear on one side, while exiting my other ear. He blabbers about my tardiness, and why I didn't come early to support him and stuff.

Why are these guys doing these to me? Am I not enough? Supporting you guys even when I'm not around and allowing them to drag me to be a med student. Don't tell me that isn't enough! Why is my life like this again? I contemplated as I let my tree friend talk nonsense with no one listening.

"Ai'Pha, Ai'Kit, Ai'Beam." Someone called us, making my evil friends turn to his direction, I will thank that hero for saving me in this situation.

"You guys seemed to be having fun." That voice! It can't be! Yep, it is him, I look at that person with utter shock.

What?! Why?! How?! The fuck! How the hell did that happen?!! I swear I saw no string attached to his pinky earlier! But how come...? It radiates that bright red color and is coming close to me, as I follow the string with my eyes while my mind is shocked.

Fuck! It's here! Once again! I'm connected to that same person again!! Why!! I thought the fates love me~? Why are they doing this to me? I sob quietly, inside my mind.

"Pha, Kit, you know the cousin I love the most right?" I sarcastically stated as my eyes squint from hatred. They nod at me and give confusing looks.

"Let's murder him tonight! I've wanted to stab him so bad since then!" I declared as I dash away from them.

Curse you P'Pick! I will kill you tonight!

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