"Hello, that was a rather loud welcome." I told him. He shrugged. 

"You should know I am loud by now, especially when I've had a few drinks." He said, grabbing my arm and steering me away from Harry. I glanced back to see him frowning after us. "I must say, Cassidy, that you look gorgeous tonight. I reckon Harry will have a hard time keeping his hands off you." Louis murmured in my ear. I felt my lips curve into a smile. 

"Do you?" I asked. He nodded. 

"And I don't even fancy you." He added. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Why ever not? I thought everyone fancied me." I said, letting the sarcasm seep into my voice. 

"Because I have a super-hot girlfriend, who I'm taking you to meet right now." He said, smirking. 

"What? No, why?" I asked, trying to pry my arm from his grip, but it was firm. 

"Because, you can't hang around with Harry all night. I won't let you either, he'll probably drag you off to his bedroom and . . ." Louis began but I quickly cut him off. 

"That's enough thanks, I think I get the idea." I said quickly. Louis grinned. "Plus, Harry would probably drag any girl off to his bedroom given the chance." 

"Not any, just you. He told me." Louis said. 

"Really?" I asked, doubt obvious in my tone. 

"Well, no, but I can read his mind so I know. Trust me." He admitted. I frowned at him. 

"I'm not sure that's the best idea." I said. It was his turn to frown at me now. 

"Rude." Was all he said in response. 

      Louis parked me in front of three very pretty girls, one I recognized as Perrie from earlier, the other two however I didn't. One girl was mixed race, with currently straight and apparently dip-dyed hair, the other had dark brown hair tied up in a pretty but complicated-looking up-do. 

"Ladies, meet Cassidy, our best friend since...October?" He said, his voice sounding questioning as he looked at me. 

"We met in October, however you were not my friend." I clarified. He pulled a sad face, the slid in between Perrie and the dark haired girl, slipping his arm around her waist. So that must have been his "super-hot" girlfriend. She was gorgeous though. From a boy's perspective I guess she would be "super-hot". 

"You're a horrible person, I can't see what Harry see's in you." He said. All three girls' eyebrows went up slightly. 

"Zayn didn't mention you and Harry were dating." Perrie said to me. I shook my head. 

"That's because we're not." I told her. 

"But he wants to." Louis added. I shot him a glare. 

"You said he wants to sleep with me, not date me. It's different." I said. I probably should have been embarrassed about having this conversation in front of people I didn't really know, but I wasn't. 

"Well, sleeping with you is just a bonus. He does want to date you though, he-" 

"Told you? Sure." I interrupted. He just grinned. 

"I can tell I'm annoying you now, so I'm going to go." He said to me. He planted a kiss on his girlfriend's lips. "I'll see you later El, be friendly." 

"I'm always friendly." El replied, smiling at her boyfriend. He smiled back, his face full of love for her. 

"Of course you are babe. Love you, see you later." He gave her another kiss and dashed off into the crowds of people. 

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