Chapter 13

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      Two small screaming children rushed past me, clutching two fairly large wrapped parcels to their chests. I laughed at them as they plonked themselves onto the floor and began ripping the paper from the presents. They squealed in delight as they discovered their presents, and the girl came over to me to show me. 

"Look auntie Cassidy, look what mummy got me!" She squealed, shoving the box containing a barbie in front of my face. 

"Jenny, leave auntie Cassidy alone. Come watch Lucas open his present." My elder sister, Courtney, said, beckoning Jenny to her. Jenny frowned, before kissing my cheek and running off to her mum. I watched as her run and set her five-year old self down next to her twin brother as he began tearing at the blue paper covering his toy.

        Courtney sat down next to me at the dining table, watching her children scream and shriek at all the presents they were receiving. 

"Christmas just does your head in doesn't it?" Courtney sighed. I smiled. 

"Yeah, well, I don't have two kids to look after. I'll be free of you all tomorrow." I said, grinning at her. She rolled her eyes at me, but she was smiling. Courtney was twenty-six now, making her eight years older than me. The large age difference hadn't helped us get along when we were younger, but it wasn't an issue now. We were friends. 

"You will one day." She replied. I shrugged. 

"Maybe." I said, shrugging. 

"Erm, there's no maybe about it. You're gorgeous Cassidy, and if mum doesn't get grandchildren from both her children she'll kill someone." Courtney laughed. 

"Who will I kill?" My mother called from her place on the sofa with Lucas and Jenny. We both laughed. 

"Cassidy, if she doesn't have any kids." Courtney answered. 

"Oh no, no more." Our father said, getting up from the sofa. "There's two of them already. No more." 

"Oh shush David."My mother said, swatting him as he passed. "There's always room for more." Jenny and Lucas slid off the sofa and came over to me, Jenny clambering up onto my lap.

"When you have a baby, can you name it Isabella after me? Because my middle name is Isabella." Jenny asked, smiling up at me with her intensely green eyes and fine golden hair which stopped just below her chin. 

"Maybe." I told her. She grinned, then the doorbell went and she got off my lap, running off to see if it was her father who was at the door.

       After all the presents were opened, I said good night to everyone, exhausted from playing with the twins earlier. I changed into my pajamas and slipped under the warm covers. I sat reading for a little while, until my phone buzzed on the table next to me. 

From: Harry 

Merry Christmas!! Hope you've had a good day :) xxx

I smiled at the message. All the other boys had sent me Christmas messages earlier, but Harry hadn't/ Now it was nearly eleven o'clock and I'd finally got it. I closed the text and sent a quick reply. 

To: Harry 

Right on time, any later and it might not have been Christmas anymore ;) xx

He replied quickly. He seemed to most of the time, for me anyway. Unless he was busy.

From: Harry 

I know! I'm sorry, had to go visit my family and stuff! How was your Christmas anyway? xxx

I sat for a moment and thought. My Christmas had been good, actually. My parents had bought me a really good photography book, Courtney and her husband James had bought me a really nice silver charm bracelet and the twins had bought me five charms to go on it. I had various other things from neighbours and other family who had stopped by, bot to forget from Oliver and family, Chris and Hailey. 

To: Harry 

It was quite good, got a lot of nice stuff :) What about you? Get anything good? xxx 

Harry then proceeded to send me the lyrics fro the whole of All I Want For Christmas Is You. I laughed so hard my mother had to come in and ask me to be quiet so I didn't wake the twins. 

"What's so funny anyway?" My mother asked, coming in and sitting on the end of my bed. 

"Just a thing my friend sent me." I told her, putting my phone on the bed side table. 

"Oliver?" She asked instinctively. I swear she thought Oliver was my only friend. 

"No, another one." I said. 

"Someone from university then?" 

"No. Just someone I met at work." I replied. She raised an eyebrow. 

"You made a new friend?" She inquired.

"I am capable of making other friends, you know." I said indignantly. 

"Yes, but it's been a while." She admitted. I made a sound of protest but she ignored it. "Who's your new friend then?" 

"A guy." I replied shortly.

"You would tell me if you were seeing someone wouldn't you?" 

"Yes! Of course I would, but we're just friends." I reassured her. She nodded.

"So tell me then?" She said, wiggling closer like a friend awaiting he latest gossip. 

"No, because it's none of your business." I told her. She frowned and huffed a bit, before getting up and going toward the door.

"Fine then, be that way. Good night sweetheart." She whispered, closing the door lightly behind her. 

      I grabbed my phone again and tapped a reply to Harry's lyrics. 

To: Harry 

Omg you made me laugh so hard my mum had to come in and tell me to be quiet! My niece and nephew are sleeping next door, I nearly woke them up! xx

I laid down as I awaited his reply, staring up at the familiar ceiling of my room at my parents house. The ceiling had a complex pattern of ridges, nothing special. Staring at it made my eyes heavy, the buzz of my phone next to me brought me out of my daze however. 

From: Harry 

It isn't my fault you find things that are mildly funny completely hilarious! But I actually did get some nice stuff, though I'm still awaiting my present from you ;) xxx

I thought about the five packages at home under my bed, carefully wrapped and labelled. They weren't much, but they were good enough. Something special. 

To: Harry 

I'll give it to you on NYE don't worry xxx

He text me back quickly. 

From: Harry 

Will you give it to me at midnight? ;) xxx

I laughed again. Typical Harry. He was probably the biggest flirt I knew, and I knew Oliver, the boy who had twelve girlfriends in a year. Though I guess he hadn't really flirted. Much. 

To: Harry 

Unfortunately not, but you will get it :) I'm tired now though, so goodnight! xx

I then proceeded to turn my phone on silent and put in on the table, switching off the lamp beside me and laying down, letting my eyes flutter shut. 

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