Chapter 10

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     I stood frozen at the door in shock, probably with my mouth open, staring at Harry. His hair looked ruffled from the strong winds I could hear outside, and his cheeks were tinted red with the cold. He stood at the door, scuffing his feet at the floor waiting for me to let him in. Instead, I just stared at him in utter shock. Eventually he got bored and pushed the door open, stepping into my very warm house. I obediently stepped aside to let him in. 

     He shrugged of his coat and unwound a scarf from around his neck, hanging them up on the coat rack opposite the front door. I stood silently watching him as he did, still shocked and confused. Once he'd hung up his things, he turned and smiled at me. 

"What are you doing here?" I blurted. He let out a short laugh. 

"I came to visit you." He said casually, sticking his hands in his pockets and looking around my white-walled hallway, decorated with a few pictures on the walls. "Tour?" He asked wandering down the hallway leaving me trailing after him. 

     The "tour" only took a few minutes, my flat wasn't very big, it consisted of a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. I liked to think my flat was nicely decorated, but I'd seen nicer in all honesty. I flopped down on the sofa but Harry pulled me up again. 

"What?" I moaned. It was nine-thirty at night, and all I wanted was to relax. I did not want to be host to an unwanted and unexpected guest. Especially when they were Harry Styles, unlike a large proportion of females my age and younger. Possibly older too. I wasn't sure. 

"I haven't seen your room!" He said, grinning. I groaned. 

"And you never will!" I told him, making myself dead weight in his grip so he had to let me go to avoid having his arm torn off. I landed on the floor with a thump. It quite hurt actually. 

"Why not?" He asked, frowning. 

"It's private." I told him, crossing my arms. My room was private, it was my place where I could go and think, where no one was to disturb me. Where I could be myself.

"Aw come on! Just a peek?" He pleaded, giving me puppy-dog eyes. I shook my head firmly. He scowled, then grinned. "Oh well, I'll get in there soon enough." I sat for a minute, trying to work it out, then gasped and chucked a pillow at him. 

"Harry Styles if you're suggesting what I think you are then you can forget it. I don't like you like that!" I said, though it was hard to take seriously since I was giggling slightly. 

"I'm hurt, I thought everyone loved me!" He said, throwing the pillow back at me. I rolled my eyes and got up off the floor, sitting down instead on the much more comfortable sofa. 

"You keep believing that then." I said, shaking my head and laughing. 

     About an hour later and we were settled comfortably on my sofa, Harry at one end, his arms around the back of the sofa and me at the other end, my legs stretched out so my feet rested on Harry's lap. The lights were all off, leaving the glow of the TV the only illumination, and a table of snacks and drinks in front of us. Harry had been disgusted at my lack of alcohol, so made me go out armed with a list to buy some drink and other things as well. With his money of course, I was only a poor student. Well, that's what I told Harry anyway. 

     We'd flipped through channels and watched anything worth watching, but then we got bored and started watching a film. We were watching Wild Child, and I think Harry was getting annoyed at me exclaiming how hot Alex Pettyfer was every time he was on screen. 

    I looked over at Harry as we watched the film, to see him looking at me. We locked eyes for a moment, but I broke away and swung my legs off him lap, planting them firmly on the ground. 

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