Chapter 3

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     Louis hauled me to the black SUV I'd seen earlier when they'd arrived and pulled open the door for me to get in. At least he was polite about opening the door, I wasn't sure pulling me from my laptop and forcing me to get lunch with them was polite though. I climbed into the SUV where the boys sat in two rows. I got into the back row, squished between the side of the car and Zayn. 

"We didn't think you'd come." Liam said from in front of me, turning in his seat to speak to me. 

"I didn't think I had a choice." I mumbled, rubbing my wrist where Louis had pulled it. Louis had climbed in now, seated between Harry and Liam in front. 

"You didn't." Louis replied. Liam shut the door behind Louis. The driver turned around. 

"So, where are we going boys?" He asked, then seeing me hastily added "and girls." 

"Is there a Nandos near by?" Niall asked me. I shrugged. 

"I don't know, I haven't scouted out the local area much. I can check if-" I began but Liam cut me off. 

"Already on it." He said, pulling out his iPhone and beginning to tap away. I sat back slightly. Seemed I didn't need to do much. Liam got the address of a nearby Nandos and the driver started up. 

"Let's go!" Louis shouted. 

         When we drove through the gates it was unlike any car journey I'd had before. Girls were literally throwing themselves at the car, screaming and shouting at the car. Their shouts were muffled, but I could sometimes just make out words. The girls had seemed to multiply since I'd last checked, which was quite scary. The pressed themselves against the car, pressing signs to the windows and occasionally crying. I shuffled closer to Zayn, frightened by these crazy teenagers. What were they doing? At one point the driver had to stop or we'd have run someone over! The security guard had to get out and try and move the girls away, though it was a hard job with only him. Throughout this the boys didn't bat an eyelid, they just sat as they had before, occasionally smiling out the window and waving to the girls, causing them to scream and go into a state of hysteria. As we crept slowly through, I had several girls glaring at me, some giving me looks that could kill. I sat as far back as I could and stared straight ahead. 

           As soon as we were out of the gates and away from the crowds, I relaxed. 

"What was that?" I asked. These girls seemed absolutely crazy. 

"A small selection of our fans." Zayn said casually. 

"Small?" I almost screeched. "There were about fifty of them!" Harry turned to look at me, amusement sparkling in his eyes. 

"Exactly. Small." He said. I turned back to look through the rear window. I could just about make out the group of girls who'd been waiting. 

"How long do they wait there?" I asked no one in particular. 

"Who knows?" Liam answered.

"Do you think they saw me?" I said quietly. 

"Most likely." Niall answered. I decided I liked Niall. He was sweet, with his blonde hair and Irish accent. He had beautiful blue eyes too. 

"You sound so scared." Harry said with a laugh. I frowned. 

"Oit, Liam check Twitter?" Zayn called. 

"Why?" I asked curiously. He smiled down at me. 

"To have a look at what rumours people are already making up." Zayn replied. I was still confused. Rumours? About what? 

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