"Aren't you going to introduce us, Silver?" Samiha asked with a laughing tone, which made me scowl. Idiot. All of them, blasted idiots. Idiots for making me talk to my crush.

Maybe crush.

"Beck, this is Samiha, my cousin. Samiha, this is my friend Beck."

Samiha started giggling, and Beck rolled his eyes, before offering me a small smile and a nod. He grabbed the cereal boxes from the stake and gave me a small wave, and I smiled at him back.

"Awe," Samiha smiled teasingly, "how nice."

I actually forgot about her for a moment. Oh lord.

"So," Samiha wiggled her eyebrows after seeing Beck leave, "what's going on between you and your 'friend' Beck?"

I hate myself.


"So let me get this straight," Samiha enquired, raising her eyebrows, "you both teased each other, then called it a truce? That fast?"

"Pretty much," I shrugged, drinking some coffee, and Samiha laughed, throwing her head back and everything.

"So fucking cliché," she laughed, "damn and you oogle him like he's some meat you want to eat."

"I'm vegetarian," I raised my hand to make a point and she rolled her eyes, because I was the weirdo who didn't want to eat meat. But many people from my mum's side were vegetarians. But occasionally, I do eat chicken. I guess I'm a flexitarian.

"Liar. You are chicken yesterday," she pointed out, and I rolled my eyes.

Lies. I did not.

I had it day before yesterday, but she doesn't need to know that.

"I'M A SUPERCAR," Sanjay screamed, running back and forth, and Kyle started screaming something which I didn't understand. It makes me wonder how I'm related to these jackasses.

I looked at Samiha, who just facepalmed.

"Don't ask," she replied, shaking her head in obvious displeasure.

"I won't."


"What's for dinner?" Jason asked, finally coming out of his room, his eyes sunken and his throat groggy, like he didn't sleep for a few days.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?" Samiha asked, and I looked at the sides of Jason's face worriedly. He's gonna spoil his health if he continues this.

"Why didn't you sleep?" I asked him, looking at him intently, making him let out a deep breath. "I was studying Silver," Jason said quietly, and I shook my head.

"You're going to sleep after dinner. Please Jason. Please," I requested, because I really didn't want my brother to end up in a weird ass situation. I'm that caring, I know.

"Fine," he let out softly, and he looked at me in the way he used to look at ma. This made me release eye contact with him, because I didn't want to remember all that pain.

The Cute Tattooed Guy (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now