Caelum followed him like a darker shadow, his arms folded tight to his chest, pushing away the freezing cold. “Where are we going?” Caelum asked the sunny boy.

“We’re almost there,” Peter said, and soon enough, they had arrived. Peter pushed through the doors at a small cafe. It was homely and smelt like vanilla beans. The woman was leaning over a register, counting a few bills out for a customer. She looked up at Peter and smiled.

Petey!” She exclaimed. She was a fiery redhead with bronzened freckles across her features. She had striking green eyes. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, a few strands dangling traitorously in front of her face. The woman wore a green shirt and black pants with a small logo that looked like a half-circle with waves coming off the top. She grinned at them. “Who’s your friend?” She had a small accent on her voice, but Caelum couldn’t place it. It was almost southern, but not all the way.

“This is Caelum ― Caelum, this is Sarah.” Caelum gave a firm nod, as the woman handed her change to the man. He nodded gruffly, raising his muffler and turning away.

A woman came out from a back room, “Petey’s here?” She called.

A large black woman stepped out. She wore the same uniform as Sarah, and smiled wide at them. She reminded Caelum of his Aunt Geneieve on his mother’s side. “Haven’t seen you in ages!” She said, squeezing out from behind the counter and giving Peter a big hug. “Where’ve you been hidin’? How’s May?”

Peter laughed, “School, and May’s good. I’ll tell her you said hey.”

“You do that,” She grinned, and turned to Caelum. He straightened and gave the woman a polite smile, “Who’s this?”

“Caelum Forest,” He replied smoothly, “Nice to meet you.” He held out his hand for the woman to shake. She surprised him by pulling his hand and bringing him into a hug. Caelum held in a gasp ― she was just like his Aunt. She smelt distinctly of peaches, Caelum realized. Like, when they are still fresh and grown off of trees in Georgia, not the canned versions after the scent had been artificially altered.

“You a friend of Peter’s?” She asked when she pulled away, and Caelum frowned.

“We went to the same school together,” he replied, and Peter rolled his eyes, thinking this was an understatement.

“I'm Dorri,” the woman smiled. “You gon’ get anything, hun?” It took Caelum a minute to realize she was talking to him ― and had referred to him as 'hun’.

“No,” Caelum said just as Peter said, “Yes!”

“A salad. And I'll get my usual,” Peter said and Caelum frowned. He glanced at the chalkboard menu behind Sarah.


“No, I won't,” he said.

“Yeah, you will,” Peter replied stubbornly.

“No, I―” It was too late. Sarah rang it up. “Wait―!” He could feel the money leaving his pockets, thinking about having to pay for it. He usually sufficed with an apple whenever he had time, but an eight dollar meal would completely offset his budget.

Peter stepped up and pulled out his wallet, taking a twenty dollar bill out and handing it to the woman. “Is that all?” Sarah asked as Dorri moved back behind the counter to prepare their meals.

“Can I get a hot tea?”

“Sure,” she smiled. “We have green tea, peppermint, pomegranate, and earl grey.”

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