chapter nineteen

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The next day, I had school. And I was honestly so tired and nothing was comprehending in my brain. And I'm about to burst into tears.

Right now I was doing an all day math class. It's like a once a month thing, and I did that with all of my classes.

With my schooling, I'm not on a constant video call with my teacher. They just send me small videos on the program we're doing and they email me the work. Sometimes it's a small fifteen minute Skype call.

It's around noon, I've been up all night. Taking care of bloody noses, because with the five humidifiers on the bus the air is still so dry.

"Come on, schools not that hard. You can do it." Ryan said, rubbing between my shoulder blades as he walked past me.

We were on the bus at the moment because we were on our way to our next location. Seattle to be exact.

And I snapped when he said that.

"Don't you fucking dare tell me that school isn't hard. I know you're grown up and are my parent, I know you've already been through this part of life. But school has gotten harder, and harder, and harder. Teachers are being unfair to me, and are assigning too much. They don't understand that when I'm tired, I cannot do work. I cannot succeed on a test, I cannot function. Because. I. Am. Fucking. Tired." I said, sobbing halfway through.

"I-" Ryan started to say.

"Oh no, I'm not done. I clean this bus, and by the end of the night it's trashed again. I found thirty seven, yeah you heard right thirty seven, can tabs and beer caps shoved into the cushions of the couch because you all are too lazy to put them in the trash where they belong. I find crumbs of everything on the floor. Do any of you offer to get the vaccum and clean it? Hell no.

I do your laundry for you. I fold it, I put it where it belongs. And you shit all over ,you cleanliness because you guys are disgusting. I know your momma didn't raise you like that Brendon Boyd.

I don't get enough sleep at night because I'm worried if I did okay that day and I wonder if I did anything minor to make any of you angry. I'm up at night worrying if you guys are okay or if you got enough to eat at dinner because that was the shit that I had to worry about. It's not just parents taking care of their kids. It's kids taking care of their parents as well. And I want to make sure I did a good job. And I don't even get that. I don't get a good job, or a thanks for doing your laundry or cleaning the bus. But I still do it because I can't have you living in unhealthy conditions.

And if any one of you tells me that school is easy, and that I shouldn't be worried about it. I'll take the shoe off my foot and throw it at you. And I have good aim." I said. Screaming at some points, crying the whole time.

And then I walked off to my bunk. Not caring that I still had class.

I just needed a nap.

That's all I needed.

I cried myself to sleep at noon. And only woke up to somebody crawling in my bunk.

"What?" I groaned, turning over.

"I'm sorry."


And he layed down with me, and took a nap.

I fell back asleep, but woke up to the bus hitting the rumble strips on the side of the road. It happens every once in a while.

So I went back to bed.

Apparently Ryan was right when he said I was really cuddly when I sleep. Because I had managed to wrap my body around him.

His back was facing me, so I had no doubts that he was on his phone or something.

So, I picked my head up, and put it on his shoulder. Well, my chin was on his shoulder, the rest of my face was on his.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked.


"As always. Post on Instagram for once. Except for the shows, people think you're dead." I told him.

"Only on the inside dear." He replied.

"Hey, I wanna show you this gif I found the other day, I sent it to Jack but he didn't reply because he's a little bitch." I said and pulled my phone out of my bunk cubby. (AN/ gif posted above I laughed my ass off please enjoy my content)

Ryan snorted at it.

"Hey. I really am sorry about today. I didn't know that you hadn't slept. And I don't say thank you enough when you clean the bus or do our laundry for us." He said, trying to turn towards me.

"I accept the apology." I replied.

And that was that. We just laid in my bunk, scrolling through our phones.

Then Brendon came in.

"The bed isn't big enough for the three of us!" I groaned as Brendon laid directly on top of me.

"Look at this, my big gay family." I laughed.

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