Chapter Twelve

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"Hey, don't forget. Your appointment is at three tomorrow." Ryan said as I went upstairs to shower.

"Okay." I said and ran to my bathroom.

It takes me two hours to shower. Let me explain. I take about forty five minutes to actually shower, but I spend half an hour picking a Spotify playlist, another half hour to get my water the way I want it. I'm pretty sure I spend another half hour just playing on my phone.

Then, since my hair is so long, I have to use different shampoos at different points of my hair. It's a mess. I don't even bother with conditioner. That shits too much work.

When I get out of the shower, I put on my pyjamas, wash my face, and brush my teeth. But I have my hair in the towel the whole time. Then when it's damp, I put some leave in conditioner and (it gets weird) beard oil in the ends of my hair to keep them somewhat healthy.

Then I brush it out. And do some tight ass boxer braids. So tight that it looks like I just got a damn face lift.

So tight that my hands hurt.

And when that's done, I steam my face and put on a clay mask.

When I'm finished, I go downstairs and make myself some tea to help me fall asleep.

"Nice face." Brendon said.

"Thanks, my mom gave it to me." I said.

I sat down between Brendon and the arm of the couch, taking snapchats.

"I love my nights with the girlies." I said, taking snapchats, panning the camera around the room.

All Ryan did was shake his head and roll his eyes, while Brendon his his best white girl poses from the couch.

I finished my tea, none was spilled. I washed my face again and put on some moisturizer.

"Hey. I'm gonna head to bed." I said, heading back downstairs.

"Okay. Love you. I'll help you with homework tomorrow." Ryan said.

"Night kiddo. Love you." Brendon said.

"Love you too guys. See you tomorrow." I said and headed upstairs.

When I got to my room I checked my social media, found a playlist to listen to, and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, when my alarm went off at six fifteen, I grabbed my outfit of choice. Since most of my closet is very nineties inspired, and I wasn't quite feeling it today, I needed to raid somebody else's closet.

I decided to sneak into Ryan and Brendons room, to see if Brendon still owned that red palm tree shirt.

"Score!" I whispered to myself when I found it.

I carefully walked back out with the shirt. Once I was in the clear my ass ran straight to my room to find pants.

I went with a pair of acid washed high-waisted jeans and a pair of converse.

I did my makeup, and went downstairs to make some coffee.

I'm not excited for today. I'm not excited for braces. I'm not excited to have people in my personal space.

I made my coffee, debated putting a little rum in it, realized I'm not twenty one, and put it back into the liquor cabinet.

I grabbed my laptop from the livingroom and went to go sit at the table. While I had my coffee, I looked through my social media again. Then I found an article on PopBuzz (AN: NO SHADE TO POPBUZZ I LIKE THEM AND THE SITE)

It said, "Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross adopted a GIRL. Is she using them for fame? Or are they using her for a publicity stunt?"

This really pissed me off. It shouldn't, but it does. I know Ryan and Brendon love me.

I sighed, shut my phone off, and began my work.

Ryan came down at eight thirty, I'm starving.

"Hey Ryan? Will you bring me a bowl of cereal?" I asked, typing out a History paper on the Holocaust.

"Yeah, what kind?" He asked.

"Umm. The banana great grains? And then throw a banana in there too." I said.

"How much milk?"

"Enough to where you see it when it comes up on the cereal." I said.

"Hey. You're supposed to be wearing your glasses." Ryan said, handing me my cereal and flipping my glasses from the top of my head down to my nose.

"Thanks for the cereal." I said.

"You're welcome." He said and sat beside me.

"What have you been working on?" He asked.

"Umm. I did language when I first came down, then history. And I had a paper to do." I said, gesturing to the Microsoft Word document that was open.

"Whats the word count you were given?"

"Three thousand. I'm at one thousand right now." I said, taking a bite of my cereal.

At around nine, Brendon came downstairs, and asked when we were leaving and if I was wearing his shirt.

"At two thirty, and yes." I said.

Then at noon, we had lunch. Zack brought us lunch.

I did more school, then at two fifteen. I went up to brush my teeth for the third time today. Then we headed out to my orthodontist consultation appointment.

"Nervous?" Ryan asked, backing out of the driveway.

"Only a lot." I admitted.

I hated anything to do with a dentist, orthodontist, or doctor.

They all scare me. But, when Ryan put on one of my favorite songs, I calmed down a bit and started singing.

"You were my last young renegade heartache"

A few more songs later, and we were in the lobby of Trimmel and Anders Orthodontic Offices.

We sat in the lobby for fifteen minutes, then a short young woman came back to let us know that he was ready to see us.

She lead us to a large office, where a tall man sat at the desk.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Anders, I'll be your orthodontist. Now, we need to start off with taking pictures of your teeth so when you're done we can see your progress."

An hour later, we were headed out of the orthodontist office. And to my favorite place ever. We're gonna go get tacos!

"Imma need three hard shell and three soft meat and cheese only." I said when Ryan pulled up into the drive thru.

Adopted by Ryan Ross Where stories live. Discover now