Chapter eight

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We ended up falling asleep in the living room.

When I woke the next day, I was actually the first one up for a change, so I made breakfast and coffee. Tea for Brendon though because coffee messes with his acid reflux.

Yeah, we played twenty questions last night. But it was more of 'hey what medical problems do you have?'

"Hey, it smells good in here. What're you making?" Ryan asked, yawning and scratching the back of his head.

"Flourless banana pancakes because I couldn't find the flour." I said, flipping the last pancake out of the pan.

He laughed a little bit and opened a cabinet then pointed to the top shelf.

And there was the flour.

"I looked in that cabinet!" I said, taking the pan off the stove and putting it in the sink.

"Hey, did you know you're really cuddly when you sleep?" Ryan asked, pouring himself some coffee.

"Really? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or whatever." I said.

"Honey, it was okay. You didn't make me uncomfortable. It was nice. Brendon's not a very cuddly guy when he sleeps. He gets really hot." He said, pulling me into a hug.

I nodded into his chest and pulled away.

"You ready to eat? Brendon's not gonna be up for a while." Ryan said.

I nodded and handed him his already made plate.

"Thank you my dear." He said and kissed the top of my head.

He sat down to eat and I put Brendon's plate in the microwave to try and keep it warm.

"Why was Brendon up all night anyways?" I asked, taking my plate and sitting with Ryan at the table.

"He was too busy looking at you. He kept telling me 'can you believe she's ours. Like, really ours? I mean we're responsible for another human being.' and stuff like that. Brendon bonds with people really quickly, but never as fast as this. He really likes you kiddo." Ryan said, finishing a bite of his pancake.

"You really think so? Does he really like me that much?" I asked.

"Oh hell yeah! When your file came in the mail, he said he knew this was a special one, so he wanted to open it. He read it first. And he said that you were the one. I loved you instantly, well more of when your file said you really liked older music. He almost cried when it was the day before we came and got you." Ryan explained.

He talks with his hands. I like that.

"Morning fuckers. What are those? Pancakes? Hell yeah. Gimmie a bite." Brendon said, walking into the kitchen.

"Yours are in the microwave. And I made you some tea." I said.

"Thanks kiddo!" He smiled and got his plate.

Brendon sat down with us, talking about some new song idea.

"I'm serious! What if we did an album called Jesus Loves Me More Than He Loves You and between each song it's a Christian song! Come on, you've gotta back me up on this Dee!" Brendon said, overly excited, while Ryan was completely laughing his ass off.

"Bren, I love ya buddy. I really do, but I think just stick with Death of A Bachelor. Maybe next album." I laughed.

Then, later on in the day, Ryan helped me set up my online schooling crap.

We still had to get school supplies so I could write everything down in case all of my school stuff gets deleted somehow. Ryan said it was ridiculous but I'm a little paranoid when it comes to my hard work and dedication  being gone forever.

So, we got notebooks and pencils and stuff.

We came home, Brendon went to work on some music stuff and I went to finish unpacking.

I played music from my tv, mostly dad's band. Just to make myself familiar with it.

They're pretty great.

But then I listened to stuff I was more familiar with. All Time Low, The Brobecks. Stuff like that.

After about an hour and a half. Everything was put in place.

But one thing was missing.

I needed a picture with my family.

Gary gave me a Polaroid camera as a going away present. So, I finally pulled it out of its box.

I like having physical copies of pictures.

I walked downstairs and saw Ryan and Brendon each on their phones.

"Hey, I've got a question." I said.

"Shoot!" Brendon said, pointing at me.

"First, I've finished putting all of my stuff away and I've finished unpacking. But something's missing. I need a picture with my family. My old foster dad, Gary, gave me a Polaroid for a 'getting adopted' present and I think I'm ready to use it." I said, sitting beside Ryan.

Brendon smiled, along with Ryan.

They sat on either side of me and I took the picture.

"I've only been here for what? Three days? You guys have been so nice to me and I'm really thankful to have you two in my life." I said.

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