Chapter Five

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A few hours after our icecream coffees, Brendon and I made dinner.

We decided on breakfast.

Brendon got out a bowl to beat the eggs in.

"No! Do it like this so you don't have to waste more dishes." I said and placed the entire egg into the pan before punching it, yelling,"Chris Brown that egg!"

I picked the shells out and cracked them in normally, while Brendon was having a fit on the floor. Rolling, laughing as hard as possible.

"H-how can you be so chill after that!" He yelled.

"Did that punch line come in okay? Was it a knock out? It hit you pretty hard." I said, which made Brendon laugh even more.

"Stop! I can't breathe oh my god!" He laughed.

Ryan then came in, and asked,"is he okay?"

"I made a Chris Brown joke. It hit him pretty hard." I said.

Anyways, about half an hour passed and dinner was done.

We all ate in silence, but a good silence. We listened to music as we ate, Brendon had his phone on shuffle and connected his phone to the speakers through out the house.

Everything from Frank Sinatra to Bruno Mars.

Every once in a while, Brendon would belt out a lyric of whatever song came on. And boy, it was amazing.

"Brendon, quit singing at the table it's-" Ryan started before Brendon started singing again.

"Rude." Ryan finished as Brendon kept singing.

After we all finished eating, we went to sit outside. By the POOL, I might add.

I could still hear the music that was playing inside the house. It was nice.

I love these guys, I've only been here for a day, but I love them. They've been so nice and didn't care if I wanted to leave the mall after being there ten minutes. I've made Brendon laugh, shown Ryan a new way to get hyped up on caffeine.

I think this might be my forever home. I've never had a place to call home. Not even with my old foster parents. I never called that place home because it was temporary.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

"You okay?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah. Just thinking, that's all." I answered, laying down on the concrete.

"Show me this band of yours." I added quickly before Brendon could ask what I was thinking.

And then Brendon pulled me to the garage studio.

He sat me in his wheeley computer chair and went onto his Mac that was set up above the sound board.

He put his password in, went to his iTunes and put a song on.

"What's this called? I like it." I said.

"She Had The World. It's my favorite too." He said and sat at on the floor.

"What's your favorite song?" Ryan asked from the doorway.

"That's a hard decision. A Daydream Away by All Time Low is a good one. Or  Le Velo Pour Deux by The Brobecks." I answered.

"Holy shit! My friend Dallon is in The Brobecks!" Brendon said.

"What." I said, jaw dropped.

Adopted by Ryan Ross Where stories live. Discover now