Oh my god

825 24 20

Okay, so today I went to Walmart with my nana and my cousin, I wanted to get the second Conjuring but my nana didn't know if she had enough cash, so she handed me my papa's card and told me to pay with that.

I get in line behind this old woman who had gotten in front of me, no big deal, I get behind her.

My nana checks out and pays, then hands me a Twenty so I give her the card back. When it's my turn to check out, my nana had already walked out of the store.

I handed the cashier the case and he looks at me and says, 'are you over seventeen?'

I told him no, and he asked for my ID, I don't have my DL yet so I told him I don't have one.

Then he proceeded to say 'I can't sell this to you.'

There were people in line behind me, they all kinda dropped what they were talking about or something because it got really quiet.

So, me being a hothead, I mutter a subtle 'fuck you' and left the store in complete humiliation.

When I got to the car, nana asked me how much the movie was.

I held up the Twenty and told her I didn't get it.

(Mind you my anxiety went through the roof when she told me I had to pay for it myself)

I told her it was because I wasn't over seventeen.

She snatched the Twenty from me and stormed off into the store.

When she came back she handed me the movie and told me this.

'That asshole knew you were with me, I was completely fine with you getting the movie. He told me 'by law I couldn't sell it to her since she was paying for it herself' but I went and told him that there are kids living in worse and dealing with worse than having to be over fucking seventeen to buy a damn movie. Give me the movie and I'll check out with somebody else'

The other cashier told her that it was stupid, and that she clearly would have known.

Long story short, I got humiliated at Walmart

Adopted by Ryan Ross Where stories live. Discover now