Chapter Three

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"So. I figured we could go get some final stuff for you after we eat, then have you meet our friends and family throughout the week. How's that sound?" Ryan asked, sipping on a glass of iced tea.

"Sounds alright with me I guess." I shrugged.

"Is there anything specific that you absolutely need." Ryan asked, pulling a notebook and pen out of thin air.

"New sneakers. My others have exactly fourteen holes in both." I said.

"Okay. Anything else?" He asked, writing down some stuff.

"Womanly stuff." I said.

"We can have Linda take you to do that along with makeup and bras and shit." Ryan said, but still wrote down what I needed.

"Socks. Shower stuff." I listed.

Once the list was done and we had finished eating, we all headed to the garage and got in Brendon's black Audi.

"So, Deanna. Are there any health problems we need to keep an eye on?" Ryan asked from the passenger seat.

"I've got ADHD and hypoglycemia. Oh. And chronic knee pain every once in a while." I said.

"I know about ADHD, but hypoglycemia?" Brendon said.

"It's a form of low blood sugar. Sometimes I don't notice it because I've had it since I was a small child. But I get really shaky and I sway back and forth. My eyes get really dark underneath and I get pale. Just in case I don't know if my sugar is low. Like I said, I don't notice it." I said.

"And do you take anything for your ADHD?" Ryan asked.

"Not anymore. I had to get mine illegally." I said.

"You smoked pot didn't you!" Brendon yelled, getting excited.

I simply tapped the side of my nose.

"You did! That's how you know what weed smells like. It's okay though. I've got ADHD too." Brendon said.

"I think she's already noticed by now." Ryan said.

"And what do you do about your knee pain?" Ryan added, looking back at me after finding a radio station he liked.

"I have a whole bag full of CBD oils and lotions and stuff. And if those don't work then heat helps." I said.

"How long have you had this knee pain?" Ryan asked.

"It's off and on. But that's been happening for about six years." I said, messing with my fingers.

After a few more questions, we ended up at the mall.

"So, let's go get you some shoes. You'll be on tour with us so you'll need various types of shoes." Ryan said, pulling both Brendon and I into a famous footwear.

He had me pick out a pair of walking shoes, a pair of boots, converse, vans, sandals, and a pair of dress shoes.

"Don't you think this is a bit excessive?" I asked.

"Ryan's a bit excessive, you get used to it." Brendon shrugged, looking at a pair of black Nike's.

"I'm not really used to all of this." I whispered.

"We can always come back if you need to. We can just hang out at home and watch movies or whatever." Ryan said, overhearing my conversation with Brendon.

So that's what we did. Ryan paid for my shoes and we went home.

"I hope I didn't ruin this for you guys." I said from the back passenger seat.

"No, not at all. We just want to make sure you're comfortable." Brendon said, now from passenger seat.

I nodded and listened to Brendon and Ryan sing along to the radio.

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