2. The fight

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When I woke up in the morning I could smell mum making breakfast. I rolled out of my bed and chose my outfit for school and made sure I had everything before grabbing my bag and walking downstairs. I put my bag down next to the door and went into the kitchen where my mum was cooking. She smiled at me and I smiled back.
" Hey mum, what you making?" I said opening the fridge to get some juice.
" Your favourite." I let the door close by its self and stared at her blankly.
" Why, what did you do?" I asked making her laugh.
" Can't I just cook you your favourite breakfast without a reason." She said whilst she was still laughing.
" You can. But this time thats clearly not the case so spill." I said leaning back on the fridge.
" Its just something for you to look forward to. I know its hard with your brothers here so I'm just trying to hopefully make things just a little bit better." She said handing my the plate of food.
" Fine." I laughed as I took the plate and sat at the table with her.

We sat and talked for a while whilst we ate. Then once I was finished I cleared my plate away and it was time for me to start walking to school. Luke and Jake both walked into the kitchen and I left and grabbed my bag.
" Bye sweetie have a good day at school." My mum said to me.
" Thanks. Bye mum." I said before rushing out the house.

It wasn't a long walk from my house to school but I always left a few minutes earlier then I needed to just in case. On my way to school I met up with my best friend Megan. She was a huge help to me when my brothers left and she's helped me ever since.
" Hey Lucy, whats new?" She asked just as perky as ever.
" Well my brothers are back in town." I said.
" What?! You mean the brothers that left without a word for 3 years just came back without a warning!"
" Exactly. Now everything's changed again and it's really awkward." I said.
" Sorry to hear that. If you ever need to get away my doors always open." Megan said looping her arm around me.
" Thanks. I might need it." We both laughed and we carried on talking until the school bell rang.

Lessons dragged on as usual. But then at lunch there was suddenly a large group of kids walking around the fence of the field.
" Whats that all about?" Megan asked me.
" I have no clue, but it cant be good." I said. Then I saw Leah North walking towards us. I sighed and me and Megan both stood up. She stopped right in front of us and looks us both up and down and laughed.
" Got something to say North?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.
" Yes actually. You never told me your brothers were back in town." She says.
" Yeah, and why would I even think about telling you?" I asked and she just rolled her eyes at me.
" Well thankfully you didn't have to tell anyone, because your brothers already did." She says making me even more confused.
" Wait what do you mean by..." Then before I could finish what I was saying I suddenly saw both of my brothers walking into the school. I look at them in shock and then they both looked over and saw me and started walking towards me.
" Uh oh." Megan whispers in my ear. The crowd followed my brothers and it wasn't not long before their stood right in front of me with the whole school behind them.
" Lucy!" Luke yelled, and then he looked at Leah and said " Hey who's your friend?" Leah almost fainted with joy and I rolled my eyes at her.
" She's anything but my friend." I mumbled.
" Hi I'm Leah. Leah North. I'm a huge fan." She says. It's pathetic. I sigh and me and Megan climb onto the table and we grab our bags before jumping off the other end.

I soon find out that my brothers are here because their here to do an assembly about something. I walked away from them and carried on walking until we were as far away from them as possible.
" Hey, you okay?" Megan asked sounding concerned.
" Yes.... no..... ugh I don't know anymore." I said

I decided to skip the assembly by my brothers and it turns out I wasn't the only one.
" Leah?" I said as she stopped and stood right in front of me.
" Lucy, whats wrong are your big brothers to busy to spend time with you?" She said mocking me.
" Ugh, shouldn't you be in there with the rest of them drooling over my brothers or something?" I said.
" And why would I do that when I could take you down." She said almost laughing.
" Ha. You think your stronger then me. Please." I laughed making her even more annoyed.
" I know I am." She said.

My famous brothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora