29. The wind's whispering

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Tord's POV:

Tom came back from his room, holding Susan. I smiled at him and he returned it. I heard a thunder coming from outside. Tom sat down next to me.

"So, what should I play?" He asked. "I don't know, It's up to you." I answered. A smirk appeared on his face. He started playing a familiar melody. Wait...

"Sunshine lollipops and rainbows, everything that's wonderful..." He continued singing. I froze on the spot and my eye started twitching. Edd and Matt joined after a while. I started shaking. And then I just couldn't stand it anymore.

"OH, COME ON!!!" I screamed. Tom and the other stopped singing and they started laughing loudly at my reaction while I tried to calm myself down.

Suddenly a loud thunder was heard making them stop laughing. A flash filled the room and the lights started blinking. And then, the lights went off. After a few seconds of being completly silent, I speaked.

"Okay, that startled me." I stood up and walked to the window. The rain was pretty strong. By the look at some trees I could see how the wind was strong.

I watched through the window and actually spaced out, but I could hear someone calling my name. "Tord!" I finally snapped out and turned around. Tom was looking at me, worried. "Are you okay there?" He asked.

"Uhh, yeah..." I answered and walked towards to the kitchen. I searched around until I found what I was looking for. Candles. I took four of them and walked back to the living room.

I sat down next to Tom and light the candles with my magic. The magic can be really useful. It made a beautiful atmosphere. I looked at Tom. "Okay, but now just...sing something else, please." I said and made kitty eyes. He chuckled. "Alright, I was just teasing you." He answered.

He looked down at his guitar. "...But I actually would love to hear you play on some instrument." He said. My eyes widen. "W-what? I can't play on anything!" I said.

"Really? I thought you were going on some guitar lessons." He said. I remembered. I was a teen and I wasn't really interested in it, but I did learn it a little. "Well, I'm not sure if I can remember it." I said.

He smiled at me and handed me the guitar. "Just try it and I'm sure you'll remember." He said. I carerfully took it and glanced at Edd and Matt. They nodded, smiling.

I sighed. I closed my eyes and listened to the storm outside. I tried my best not to space out again, but I could have sworn that I heard something... Or someone whispering at me through the wind.

And then I heard something else going in the same rhytm as the wind's whispering. I realized it was...a guitar? I opened my eyes to see that it was me...playing on the guitar. I was suprised, but continued playing.

It was a nice calming melody and it reminded me of something... My childhood again. I remembered making flower crowns and loving music.

I made that melody. I remembered being really close to the nature. The wind, the flowers, everything! And that was my inspiration. And it helps me until today. I finished the song and looked at the guys.

They weren't even moving. Their eyes were widended. I kept glancing at all of them. "Umm, is something wrong..?" I asked a little nervous. Tom was the first one who seemed to wake up from the trance.

"That...was...beautiful. What is it called?" He asked. "Yeah, tell us! Where did you hear that song?" Edd asked. I looked away. "Well, I made that." I said while blushing a little.

"Really? Wow, you're talented!" Tom said. I looked at him and smiled. I handed him the guitar back. "Heh, thanks." I said. "I didn't know you are making songs, Todd!" Matt said. I rolled my eyes. 'Will he ever say my name right?' I thought to myself.

"Well, this one is called 'The wind's whispering'. I made it in my childhood. I was really close to nature. I could hear the wind whispering words at me. I could hear the stars singing a calm lullaby to me every single night. And that gave me inspiration." I said.

"Wow." Tom said. "Yeah, just...wow." Edd added. (Or EDDed) "I just forgot about the nature a bit, but it looks like I can still understand what it's saying." I said.

"Well, what is the...wind saying now?" Tom asked. "I need to concentrate, but I'll try to tell you." I said and stood up. So did Tom and the other two. I walked towards the window and opened it. I heard the wind whooshing, but I knew he is trying to say something.

Tom's POV:

Tord looked out of the window and closed his eyes. He looked really focused. After a few minutes of silence, he opened them again.

"So, what did the wind said?" I asked him. 'Wow, that is really weird to say that...' I thought to myself, but brushed it off. "It said: 'Even if the world can be cruel, you can do anything if you just believe in yourself.' I could even hear the storm." He answered and looked at me.

"And that was?" Edd asked. "Well... 'You hurt them, but they forgave you. You can see they really do care about you, enjoy it. And believe it.'" He said.

Edd looked confused. "What is that suppose to mean?" He asked. Tord looked at him. "Well Edd, it was talking about you, guys. Even though I hurt you, you still forgave me." He answered.

I smiled. He looked out of the window again and closed his eyes again, focusing. "Now the stars are talking..." He said. "And what are they saying. He opened his eyes again and looked at me with a smile.

"'He loves you, believe that. And it will stay that way.'"

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