6. Dreaming about stars

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Tord's POV:

I have to stop them. I just have to. It's the same hill where me and my giant robot...well...stopped existing... And there's still my body laying there. And since I know Tom still feels bad for what happened, I can't let him see that. My wings started to grow again.

I patiently waited until it was done and took my chance. I passed Matt. I hear him screame behind me. "Hey Todd, that's not fair!" I ignored him and continued to fly.

When I got there, I spotted my body. It really looked horrible. There was still a lot of blood and the harpoon in my chest is still there. I carried the body into the bush where I woke up as a guarding angel.

I hid the body just in time. Matt was the first one who was there, then Tom and the last one was Edd. "Yay! So the last one is Edd! You know what that means, right Edd?" He said and smiled at Edd. Edd was still out of breath.

"I...I do." He said. Matt smiled and looked at me. "But Todd, what you did was not right. You have wings and that's not fair!" He said. I nervously chuckled.

"Uh, well. Sorry for that, but I...uh...still can't control them well...yeah..." I said sweating a little. He looked at me a little suspicious, but seemed to brush it away. "It's alright then!" He said and smiled. I smiled back acting as usual as I could.

"Uhh, Tord? Why...is there an arm peeking from the bush..?" Tom asked me. I immediately stopped smiling and looked behind me. "Oh, that? That's uh........" I sluttered.

"Tord? What is that?" Edd asked. I started sweating even more. "Uh..." It was silent.
They were all looking at me wanting answers. "Tord! What. Is. That?" Edd asked me again looking a bit mad.

"I don't want you guys to see it!" I said. "Tord!" Tom yelled. I looked at him. 'Oh no. He will feel more guilty about that! What do I do?' I thought to myslelf.

"Tord. We are not going anywhere until you will tell us, what is that." Edd said. "I-I..." I sighed in defeat. They got me again. "Okay. I'll show you. But if you guys freak out, you can't blame me!" I said and looked at all of them. They nodded as I sighed again.

I took the arm and pulled out my body. I heard a loud gasp. I looked at them. They were all staring at my body in shock. "This is the hill where I went down along with my giant robot..." I said and looked down.

We were all silent unsure what to say. "I'm sorry you had to see that..." I said. I felt tears in my eyes. Edd was the first who snapped out of the trance and looked at me. "It's alright... L-let's just go home now, please." He said.

Matt snapped out as well and we started walking back home. I noticed Tom wasn't with us. I looked behind me to see him still staring at the body.

"Guys, wait a minute." I said and walked to Tom. He was sobbing. I felt real bad for him. He still thinks it's his fault. But it's not. I did this to myself. I did this to them. I did this to HIM. I hugged him from behind.

He looked at me. He looked so broken from what he saw. I felt even worse and pulled him really close. "I'm really sorry you had to see this, Tom. That's the reason I didn't wanted to show you." I said and kept hugging him.

He carefully hugged back. "I'm sorry..." I said. I could feel tears falling down my face not beacuse of my body, but because I made Tom cry. I felt so bad... I really did.

After he calmed down a little, I said. "Let's go home, okay?" I smiled at him. He weakly smiled back and nodded. We followed Edd and Matt who patiently waited for us and we started walking back home. On the way nobody talked.

Tom's POV:

We were walking home in a complete silence. Edd and Matt were in front of us while me and Tord were behind them. I wanted to hug Tord again to make me feel better, but I was too afraid that he didn't mean what he said and never actually forgave me.

Tord seemed to notice, because he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. "Tom, I know you feel guilty for shooting me, but like I said. I forgive you and I really mean it. I can't stand seeing you sad like this." He whispered in my ear.

I looked at him and smiled. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Thank you..." I said.
It was getting dark. The sky was colourful and you could see some stars appear. It was really beautiful.

I looked at Tord. He was looking at the sky as well. He was smiling slightly. "It's beautiful, is it?" I said to him. "Yeah. I love the stars." He said.

I looked back at the sky. He was right, the stars were beautiful. I remembered his wings and closed my 'eyes'. I wonder what would it be like if I could fly in the night sky full of stars. That must be beautiful.

I opened them again, but it was getting harder to keep them open. I was kinda tired at this point. I yawned and without realizing I slowed down. Tord looked at me. "Tired?" He asked still smiling warmly.

"Yeah, it's pretty late." I answered and yawned again. It was not easy to walk anymore. I was even slower. "Hey, if you're that tired then I'll take you home." He suddenly said. I looked at him confused. "What?" I said.

He chuckled and walked up to me. "Tord, what are you do-" I was cut off by him picking me up bridal style. He continued to walk like it was nothing. He may be small, but he's strong.

I yawned again and nuzzle my head in his chest and closed my 'eyes'. It was really calming. I could hear his heartbeat and his breathing. "Goodnight Tom." I heard him say. "Goodnight Tord..." Was all I answered before drifting into a deep sleep dreaming about having wings and flying in the night sky with the stars...

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