Chapter 45- Goodbyes & Breakups

Start from the beginning

"But do you love her? Even in the slightest bit." I ponder aloud as tears now begin to prickle and cloud my vision.

Liam stays silent and it feels as if the dark cloud has finally cleared up and the sun is starting to reappear in my life for the first time in a long time.

I guess I know where we stand.

"Do you mind if I cut in?" Jessica's squeaky, high-pitched voice booms loudly as she taps on my shoulder.

A tear finally slides down my face and I wipe it away as fast as it came.

"All yours." I whisper.

It feels as if my voice is in complete hiding- almost as if it's afraid to go any higher because if it does it would break into a thousand of pieces just like my heart currently is.

I push through the crowd and run as fast as my legs could carry me not even bothering to look back at Liam.

I need air.

I push open the big doors that lead to outside and I take in a deep breath as I hold onto the decorated pole out front for dear life.

My feet shuffle to take a few steps back but my luck my back hits another.

"Hey, what's wrong beautiful?" Eyes so soft yet dangerous like the ocean, they meet mine and as the brown haired boy realizes who just bumped into him.

He tucks his hands into his dress pants and I feel my throat swell as my tears clog up. "Matt," I splutter and he immediately wraps his arms around me securely.

I didn't even need to say a word for him to understand that I was in so much pain or who more specifically who caused it.

"You want to head out of here? I was about to leave anyways." He whispers comfortingly and I sigh as I mumble a quick 'yes.'"

All I want to do is go home.


"Stay here while I'll go get my car it's a little of a walk."

I nod at his kind gesture and fall against the brick wall as I watch his figure disappear into the dark nightly fog.

My legs give up as I fall not only into my puffy dress but the pavement as well as my tears fall down my face more rapidly than before.

Time feels frozen as I sit there crying for what seems like minutes.

The sound of those grand large doors opening and closing causes my head to snap in that direction and there's Liam coming over to talk to me. "Babe,"

"Don't call me that."

"Please talk to me." He whispers pleadingly as he slides against the bricks and onto the floor, placing his arms against his knees.

"I can't believe you that you actually have the nerve to come out here and think I want to talk to you." I spat angrily as my tears now dissolve as I see his face.

"We have to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you."

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