Chpt # 17 Bitter Sweet

Start from the beginning

"I don't wan this to happen again...what if I killed you...or anyone else that I hold so dear..." I slightly squeeze his shirt.

The picture of the people I hold dear slowly crawled in my mind as my eyelashes brimmed with heavy tears.

L-Liyah, Shinami, Aniki, Jean, Ash, Emma, the Schatten Catzen, the gang....ugh.

"I'm sure that won't happen,"

"Don't you remember that I almost killed you too in that state!?" I raised my head towards him.

His olive green eyes were sad, but he was still smiling. Why? What's with that expression? The hand behind me slowly reached my face as the it's thumb tried to wipe the droplets away. I quickly pulled away and set my gaze away.

"You stubborn girl," he pulled my face to face his and forcefully dried my tears, "Aren't you the one who said to me that 'To overcome fears is to stand strong, to make sure they won't drag you down'?" 

I glared at him silently. Instead of being scared he chuckled.

"Your the reason I'm not even scared of you like the others," he hummed as he reached out the kit.

"Come on, let's patch up your wounds...we don't want them to get infected hmm? And remove your black long sleeve top too."

"I'm not wearing anything under it..." I answered but instead of a response he pressed my stomach in a harsh manner.

"Ah!-Hey!" I slapped his hand away and hold y abdomen in pain.

"We have to patch up that bruise under your long sleeve shirt though," he smiled.

I sighed, "Fine."

I removed my top and a big darn bruise was revealed. But I'm embarrassed. You know why, I'm wearing a freakin bra in front of him!

"Wow, It's big." he's eyes widen.

"Hey, tend the bruise as quickly as you can or I'm going to poke your eyes out ..."

"Hahaha...oh gosh, it's big alright," he chuckled at me and stopped just as he saw the dagger on my hand.

"I meant the bruise," he smiled widely.

"Get it done..."

"Yes madam," he chuckled.

Just as he patched up the injury on my abdomen, I quickly wore back my top and turned away.

"Stop looking away would yah? Most of your wounds are on your face, good thing you didn't have a black-eye," he forcefully made me face him and quickly tended my wounds and scratched with alcohol.

"Does it sting?" he asked.

"Kinda..." I replied.

"Yah know, I'm guilty...guilty for not being there for you three years ago. Would things change if I were there? Maybe you wouldn't have been captured, or maybe I'd be with you on top of the underground. Heh- I even barely made it this time," he sighed and continued tending my face.

"I wouldn't want that...I'm happy that you didn't come with us..." I answered.

"Heh, why?" he spread out a smile.

"You'd be that type of person to get eaten by a titan easily," I replied.

"What?! I don't think so!" he pouted.

"Oh, trust would, and no one's going to watch around here," I added.

"If I were there with you, I could have spent a lot more time with you," he grinned.

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