He uncrosses his arms and relaxes a bit but still doesn't speak.

"Yo. Please talk to me." I say sweetly.

He raises hey eyebrow at me then taps his watch. Oh I get it. He waiting the five minutes. Well then since he's not going to use his mouth for talking, I may as well occupy it in a different way.

I drape my arms over his shoulders and gently press my lips against his. His arms move until they're settled on my waist and I take that as a good sign. I go back in, only this kiss is not just a peck. I push my tongue into his mouth and kiss him deeply. My hand cradles his head while the other moves to the small of his back holding him in place.

An alarm goes off and we break apart at the disturbance.

"You set an alarm?" I ask in disbelief.

"I'm don't have magical time keeping powers P'Pha, how would I know when five minutes was over?" He asks seriously.

I laugh as I kiss him quickly one last time.

"So are you ready to go in?"

"Sure, but who lives here?" He asks.

"We do." I say pulling towards the house.

"I bought this property a few years ago on a whim. I was driving around trying to get away from the chaos when I came across this place. It was quiet and comforting. There's a small stream running through it too." I tell him.

"Really? I would like to see it." He says smiling at me.

"Right now?" I ask and he shakes his head yes.

I lead him to the back yard down the rocked path that I made until we get to the stream. I built a small bridge that crosses the stream. I had a small patio made where I have two chairs and a small table sitting. This area is quite beautiful, almost reminiscent of a painting. I love coming here and just sitting.

"It's so pretty." His voice rings out, waking me from my thoughts.

"I thought so too."

He goes and sits in one of the chairs and motions for me to join him so I do. Only I pick him up and settle him on my lap. He was in my chair after all.

"So you bought this property, then what?" He coaxes.

"Well over the last two years I've been coming here and enjoying my little stream. I decided that I was going to settle here so I had the house built." I say extending my hand towards the house.

"While I was waiting for the house I came across information about companions. I thought about it night and day. Obsessively almost. I thought that since I couldn't find you this would be the next best thing, so I started doing research about it. I also decided that I wouldn't move into the house until I had either decided not to get one or it had arrived." I explain.

"Obviously I decided to get one so I was waiting to settle here with him here. But it turned out to be you. You don't know how happy I am about that." I say kissing his nose.

"You know, I'm still surprised that you aren't even a little angry." He says looking worried.

"Do you want me to be?"

"No." He says quickly.

"How could I be mad? Like I said I realized almost immediately who you were. I saw how you tormented yourself over it. There's no way I could be mad at you. Plus, I didn't have concrete proof until Kit." I start.

"Yeah Ming and his stupid big mouth. This is why I didn't say anything to him. And what's the first thing he does when I do tell him? He tattles to P'Kit!" He rants.

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