Chapter 34

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“Heather please stop, shopping for prom dresses is really not my biggest priority right now,” I sighed into the phone, shutting the textbook that I had trying to study from.

“Zoey Banks, as my best friend, you must come dress shopping with me. Since Ashton actually asked me, I need a fantastic dress,” she explained.

“Wait he asked you? How? When?” I shrieked, faking surprise.

“Last night! It wasn’t nearly as elaborate as yours, he just showed up at my house with a cookie cake with the word ‘Prom?’ written on it in frosting,” she said, trying to hide the excitement in her voice.

“Wow, I wonder what motivated him to do that?” I said sarcastically, smirking to myself because I knew the answer.

After my discussion with Luke last week, he had been hounding Ashton to ask Heather out. He also may have provided him with the address to her house, and the cookie cake that he used to ask her to prom.

“I know, he's so cute! Anyways, I’m coming to your house in an hour so be ready for me,” Heather exclaimed, hanging up the phone before I could respond.


“Stop giving me tulle!” I yelled, turning to Heather and grabbing onto the horrid skirt of the dress.

We head been trying on dresses for over an hour, and Heather kept giving me the ugliest dresses to try on. Of course, she tried hers on in the first twenty minutes of this excursion and not only did she love it but it also looked perfect on her. Her dress was strapless and dark purple, skimming the ground. The entire bodice however, was covered with sequins, which was actually quiet conservative for Heather.

“Come on, that one is kind of cute,” she said to me, her giggle giving away her true thoughts.

The dress was yellow and short, the skirt sticking out and covered with rhinestones. I looked like one of the pageant girls on Toddlers and Tiaras.

“Heather, you’ve known me for what, twelve years. Have I ever worn anything with rhinestones, or tulle,” I said to her, raising my eyebrows.

“No, but it doesn’t hurt to branch out!” she said.

“You’re the one that wanted to pick out my dress, please for the love of god try,” I said, reentering the changing room.

“I’ll be back!” Heather called.

I unzipped the dress, feeling bad about how I was treating Heather. It’s just all this dress shopping was really stressing me out, and I’m known for getting a little snippy when I’m stressed.

Five minutes later Heather returned, squealing loudly as she pushed a dress under the crack of the changing room.

“Zoey, this will look perfect, trust me,” Heather said, as I picked up the dress, rubbing my fingers along the soft fabric.

The dress was solid black and had no glitzy detailing, which was a good start. I pulled the dress over my head, congratulating Heather mentally for picking up a dress that didn’t have some sort of built in corset in it.

“All right,” I said, opening the door to the changing room.

“Oh my god Zoey, you look amazing,” she squealed, clapping her hands together.

“Heather why the hell aren’t you a cheerleader, I’m pretty sure you’re peppier then all of them combined,” I said, rolling my eyes and turning to the mirror.

I gasped when I saw my self in the reflection, a huge smile spreading across my face. The dress looked perfect, hugging me in all the right places. It had thick shoulder straps, and a high slit up the leg. There was a strip along my stomach that was lace, where my ivory skin shone through. The dress even made my boobs look bigger then they actually were, which for me was a huge accomplishment.

“Heather, I think you’ve picked a winner,” I said, smiling as I turned to face her.

I wrapped me arms around her small frame, squealing and jumping up and down like we used to when we where six and got excited about the littlest things.

“Honestly Zoey, Justin Timberlake may think he brought sexy back, but he was wrong. You definitely bring it back in that dress. You look so good,I don't know if Luke will be able to keep his hands off of you!” she laughed.

“Ugh, please shut up,” I laughed, pulling away from her.


“So, you got your prom dress today?” Luke mumbled, his lips pressed to my neck.

“Yep,” I hummed, nodding my head up and down.

“Well, do I get to see it?” he asked, leaving a trail of kisses from my neck up to my forehead, his warm lips lingering there.

“Nope, you must wait until the day,” I giggled.

Luke raised his head and sat up in his bed, pouting like a five year old who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas.

“But that’s not fair!” he whined, sticking out his lower lip.

“Sorry, you’ll just have to use your imagination,” I said, smirking.

“Well, that I can do,” Luke said, reattaching his lips to mine.

He pulled back and sat up, biting down on his lower lip slightly. He was gazing at me intensely, his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration.

“What?” I asked, laughing slightly.

“I’m just trying to imagine you in your dress,” he said, squinting slightly.

“Oh yeah, what do you picture then?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“I’m imagining the Princess Leah gold bikini, and not much else” he said, smiling widely.

“You’re gross,” I laughed, slapping his arm slightly.

“Sorry,” he shrugged, leaning back in and kissing me.


i was a little later then usual so sorry! first of all i'm going to go to camp on sunday so my updates may be less frequent. 

also, i added a photo to the side of what her entire prom look would be like (of course the dress would be black, i dont have the photoshop skills to edit the image like that)

ily all so much, and dont forget to vote and comment!!!!!

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