Chapter 31

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I didn’t want to worry Luke, but I couldn’t stop thinking about him going to California. It had been two weeks since he told me, and I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I had just submitted my applications to various colleges, even two in California, but I didn’t even know if I wanted to go. Luke convinced me to apply saying that I can just register as undecided for my major and figure it out at college. But is it really worth it? I have no idea what to do with my life, and I just don’t know if college is the right place for me. I was just so confused about everything, and I didn’t know what to do.

“Zoey, snap out of it,” Luke said, snapping his fingers near my ear.

“Sorry, what?” I asked, shaking my head and turning to him.

“I just asked if you were okay with Ashton coming over and you spaced out for like five minutes,” he said, concern filling his voice.

“Oh… yeah it’s fine if he comes over,” I said, rolling onto my stomach on Luke's bed, fiddling with the heart necklace around my neck.

I had barely taken it off; I even slept in the necklace. I only ever took it off when showering (although I had accidentally left it on once or twice.)

“Zoey, are you alright?” Luke asked, placing his hand on the small of my back.

“I don’t know, I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed,” I said, burying my face into Luke’s neck.

“How so?” he asked, tracing patterns along my back, rubbing in small soothing circles.

“It’s just… school is ending a lot sooner then I realized, and I’m just worried about the after. No one ever really tells you about the after, you know, like when school ends what the hell am I supposed to do? I don’t even know if I want to go to college, let alone what I want to study. I guess it’s all just hitting me now,” I said, sighing.

“You shouldn’t stress about it babe,” he said, smiling faintly.

“But what about after school is out, will you and I be together?” I asked, my eyes glazing over slightly.

“Of course,” Luke said, leaning in and kissing me softly.

“I hope so,” I whispered as he pulled back.

“I know what you need right now,” Luke smirked, scooping me up from the bed.

“Luke, what are you doing?” I squealed.

“We’re going on an adventure,” Luke said, running out of his room, me still in his arms.

“What about Ashton?” I said.

“Ashton can come!” Luke said, running out the door of his house, bumping into Ashton.

“What’s going on?” Ashton asked, clearly confused.

“We’re going on an adventure, come on get in the car,” Luke called back to Ashton, placing me in the shotgun seat as Ashton slid into the back.

“Am I going to have to watch you two make out the whole time?” Ashton asked.

“Maybe,” Luke giggled, stating the car.

“Luke, its like 11:00 at night, where exactly are we going?” I asked.

“Who cares? All I know is we’re going to make tonight the best of our lives!” Luke called out, pulling away from his house.


We drove for what felt like hours, the lights of the city fading behind us. Luke still hadn’t told us where we were going, but in that moment, we didn’t care. We drove with the windows all down, the cool wind whipping through the car. We sang along loudly to the radio, Ashton playing air-drums on the seat next to him while I played air guitar. All of my previous worries and stresses literally felt light they had melted away. All I cared about was this moment. Luke finally stopped the car, pulling into a small field.

“All right everybody hop out!” Luke called, unlocking the door.

Ashton and I looked at each other, raising our eyebrows and stepping out into the freezing air. I looked down at my outfit and mentally congratulated myself for grabbing one of Luke’s sweaters before we left.

Luke grabbed something from the trunk and walked into the middle of the field, Ashton and I following close behind. Luke laid a large tarp, the one he pulled out of the trunk, onto the grass, lying down on his back.

“Come on you two,” he said, motioning for us to sit down next to him.

I lay next to Luke, snuggling up next to him and turning my face to the sky.

“Guys, just look how beautiful the stars are,” Luke sighed.

He was right, they were so much brighter and clearer then they were in the city.

We lay in that field for who knows how long, gazing up at the stars above us. I eventually fell asleep against Luke, my head resting on his chest.

I woke up the next morning in Luke’s bed, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I hadn’t woke up this happy in a long time.


sorry this was so lame, but i didnt have much time to write it. i'm going to be gone for a few days so sorry that i wont be updating for a little bit.

ily and dont forget to vote and comment!!!

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