Chapter 10 - Twilight Moments With You

Start from the beginning

"Sometimes," Thomas shrugged.

Angela looked again at the sky filled with stars. "Doesn't this remind you of our last family vacation? Before my parents died?"

Thomas didn't expect Angela to mention her parents out of the blue. They died four years ago. Their last family vacation together was when both Angela and Thomas were nineteen, five years ago. Every summer, they would go to Angela's family beach house. Sometimes the Sangsters would come and sometimes they won't, but Thomas always comes until they hit their early teens and he got busy with being an actor.

Although this motel they were in was far from a beach, the night held the same memory. Angela couldn't sleep that night too, so she decided to go for a walk. She was surprised to see Thomas there lying on the sand. She sat beside him and ended up in the same position that they are in now. The two didn't talk that night, but just stared at the stars until they felt tired.

That was the last time the two of them were together like this. So many things happened in between like Angela's parent's death and Thomas's job and her job. Of course, she and Thomas still met up after that but both their jobs kept them apart and busy.

"I missed this," Thomas admitted.

"Maybe we could have more nights like this after this fiasco."

"I'd like that," he smiled. "It would be nice to go on vacation again with you."

"You already spent months with me filming The Maze Runner."

"Yeah, but that was work. I want to relax and have fun with you again."

"That does sound nice."

In the corner of her eye, Angela saw the receptionist spying on them. A smile formed on Angela's lips. That girl has had the eye on Thomas and Newt since they checked in.

"You know, that receptionist is pretty cute," she teased Thomas.

"Twenty-five years I've known you and I never knew you were into girls."

"Not me," she playfully smacked him, "you."

"No. Not her," he shook his head.

"You're so picky."

"No I'm not. It's just that I have my eye on someone already."

Angela was intrigued. This was the first time she's heard of Thomas liking someone. Their entire childhood, Thomas listened while Angela would tell him about the boy she likes. He'd always offer to talk to him for her but she refuses. When she'd ask Thomas if he liked someone, he always says no and that the girls his age thinks that he's too young when he's just their age.

"Who is it?" She pushed her face close to his.

"No one you know," he pushed her face away, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"Fine," she decided not to pry. Thomas was always so shy and a little secretive. "But I'll be keeping an eye on this mystery girl, whoever she may be."

"Go ahead and try." He knew that she wouldn't figure out who it was. "But what about you? I haven't heard you talk about boys since high school."

"Because I realized they aren't my top priority anymore. But I did have an eye on one boy for a while."

"Who is it?"


Thomas was shocked. Did she just... Was that-

"Someone has to watch over you," she laughed.

Oh, that's what she meant.

"What do you mean me? You're the one who hit Newt," he joked.

"I didn't bloody hit him you prat," she hissed. Thomas chuckled. Her accent and old slang would always come out when she's annoyed.

Angela found herself yawning and realized it was time to sleep. They had a big day ahead of them. She got out of Thomas's arms much to his dismay and stood up.

"I should go to sleep now. Thanks for the company Thomas," she patted his head.

"I'll go with you. I shouldn't probably sleep too."


"But I need you to do something for me to get the receptionist off my back."

Both Angela and Thomas entered the lobby with entwined hands, making sure the receptionist could see. Knowing that her eyes were still on the two of them, Thomas decided to give Angela a quick peck on the cheek. Angela smiled and laughed, thinking it was a friendly kiss since they've done that when they were kids. She stood on her toes and kisses Thomas's cheek too which caught him off guard.

Just when the two of them were going to their separate rooms, they heard a thud in Thomas's room. Thomas opened the door and the two of them saw Newt tossing and writhing on the floor.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Infinite Realms: Porcelain Heart (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now