You Broke Up Again

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Kylie P.O.V.

I overheard everything they were talking about, Lucy is the best friend you can ever ask for and I hope all this blows over. "Ky I have your sandwich" said Lucy I went to get my sandwich and put it down then hug Lucy "thank you" I said "its just a sandwich but ok you're welcome" said Lucy "no I heard what you said this is why I love you" I said "honey I will do anything for you, but I love you more" said Lucy "not possible" I said "yes possible" said Lucy. Alec came in "oh a sandwich yummy" said Alec "put it down thats mine" I said "ugh I want one" said Alec "I gotcha" said Lucy. "So what up little vampire" ask Alec "oh nothing much anything new with you" I ask "oh nothing dad said he looking into our little problem" said Alec "great I miss your dad" I said eating my sandwich "I bring you sir a sandwich" said Lucy "thank you good lady" said Lucy I swear I have the weirdest friends. "I need to go home to get more clothes can you come with me" I ask "yes honey let me get Tyler and we can go" said Lucy "coolness" I said I go to the kitchen and clean the paint off my legs. I start to remember how every time I shave my legs Slade would be the first one to feel on it then he would kiss them until he made his way all the up back to lips. I shake my head to snap out of it Shadow came downstairs "hey we're going to the house to get some clothes want to come" I ask "yeah why not I need my food bowl and some food I can't keep eating the leftover meat in the fridge" said Shadow "alright lets do this then Lucy are you ready yet" I ask "coming" said Lucy. I swear God likes to play with my feeling sometimes because Slade came down the stair all wet with some basketball shorts and you guess it no shirt with wet hair you can tell he needs a hair cut because its almost touching the back of his neck he likes to slick it back when its really wet. He knows that I like it that I swear God is playing with me I had to do this for his safety and because I can't keep going on this rollercoaster. "Hello" said Slade he past by me and he smells like pine wood and strawberries he use my shampoo that ass he knows its hard for me to find that one specific smell."Hi" I said  "alright people lets go" said Lucy we walk out to the car we took Tyler's car since I don't have a car again like why me I'm getting the Audi fix and my car it was damage really bad thanks Rylan for that. We sat in silence the whole way there before Alec went nuts "oh gosh its to quiet at least say something we get it Kylie is in danger lets just talk about its not going to kill us" said Alec "feel better now buddy" I said "yes" said Alec that when we all burst out laughing I think we all need that. We got to the house I saw that dad is home "Daddy" I said running "babygirl Vinny called and told me what going on I told Jesse to stay in school an not to worry about you" said Dad "I miss you you're not working hard are you" I ask "no honey I'm working enough what brings you here and why do you have paint on your shirt" ask Dad "I need clothes, his food, and his food bowl the paint is, because Slade had an episode after I broke it off with him" I said "again I understand the first time but why this time" ask Dad "I want to protect him and because we're on this up and down rollercoaster" I said "ok honey go get your stuff I have to go to work in an hour" said Dad "ok I love you" I yell "I love you too" said Dad I went up to my room to find Lucy and Alec arguing over my pulp fiction shirt "no its mine I want it" said Lucy "no I want it" said Alec "neither of you can have it thats my shirt Tyler why aren't you stopping them" I said "oh sorry it was really entertaining" said Tyler I shake my head. I pack my bag I almost put half my closet hey no judging I don't know how long I'm staying over there "ok now I need his stuff can you grab his bed and I'll grab his food and bowls" I said "Dad we're leaving" I said "Bye guys I'll visit when I can" said Dad. We left and stop by taco bell because come on I wanted some nachos and tacos. We get to the house and set the food down "I'm going to take a shower just leave my food in the microwave" I said I go upstairs to Lucy's room thats when I remember I have paint in my hair I have to get my shampoo in Slade's bathroom damn it again God is really playing with me. I slowly walk to Slade's room as I get closer I get even more nervous, because I know this stupid mate bond is probably going to do something. I knock on the door "come in" said Slade I said a little prayer to the mate bond please mate bond whatever you're think about doing don't we need this time apart please. I walk in "sweet baby Jesus" I said Slade was laying on his bed shirtless again same basketball shorts watching tv, guess what he's watching reruns of teen wolf "what" said Slade he was smirking this ass he knows what he's doing "I need my shampoo and conditioner" I said "you know where its at right" ask Slade "yeah" I said he wants to play games I can play games too, I went to the bathroom got my shampoo and conditioner I took off my shorts while in the bathroom an let the big shirt fall down. "Thanks" I said walk to the door I drop one of the bottles I bend down to get it right where I know he will be looking, as I bend down my shirt rise up to show my pink panties I grab the bottle and I hear those magical sound yes the growl that stupid growl everyone so loves. "Thanks" I said walking out "yeah n-no p-problem" said Slade 1 point for Kylie thats right I'm keeping point when I close the door thats when I heard him groan in pain "UGH THIS GIRL IS GOING TO MAKE ME GO MAD" said Slade I giggle all the way to Lucy room. I get out of the shower put on a big t-shirt and some legging from the bag. I walk out of the room to hit a wall I remember that this door didn't have a wall before I back up to find Slade blocking my way from my nachos. "Can I help you" I ask trying to get out "yeah um sorry I was looking for Lucy I thought she would be here" said Slade "she downstairs" I said walking away from him "food glorious food" I said getting my food. "Lucy Slade is looking for you" I said with my mouth full of food "gotcha" said Lucy "I thought she was crazy when it came to drinking blood but tacos and nachos she is a savage" said Tyler "do you guys having any blood we haven't drank in about 3 days now" I ask "I'm thirsty" said Alec. Thats when a cup of blood came in front of my face "Thanks" I said I turn to see who gave me the blood it was Slade he nod "question do your fangs always come out when you drink blood or do you bring them out" ask Tyler "they have to come out when we drink blood its a involuntary action that just happens" said Alec I smile with blood on my teeth "you're gross" said Lucy "you love it though" I said "sure I do" said Lucy "Vinny a primit orice informație" I ask (did vinny get any information) "nu mi-a spus nimic despre nimic" said Alec (no he hasn't called me about anything). "OK" I said. "I swear one of these day I will learn Romanian and you can't do anything about it" said Tyler "ok when that happens we will have a conversion" I said laughing. 

Slade P.O.V.

(Before Kylie came)

I lay in my bed I had nothing to do today since I got all my Alpha work done the day before just to spend time with Kylie but that blew up in my face. I turn on the tv and Teen Wolf was playing I remember how much Kylie loved this show, so I start to watch it still don't understand why she liked this show when she has the real thing right here. As I was watching this show I start to hear foots step coming closer to my door then her scent hits me thats when I got an idea I took off my shirt and waited for her to knock on the door. She knocks on the door "come in" I said she still has the same clothes on that she had when I came back "sweet baby Jesus" said Kylie. "What" I said smirking I knew being shirtless would do something "I need my shampoo and conditioner" said Kylie "you know where its at right" I said "yeah" said Kylie she went to get her stuff I went back to watching the show. That's when she came out with no shorts on just the shirt you got to be kidding me. She drop one of her bottles thats when she bend down to get it her shirt was rising up showing me her pink underwear thats when I growl hope she doesn't think she is walking out like that "thanks" said Kylie "yeah n-no p-problem" I said damn it how does she do this. She left the room "UGH THIS GIRL IS GOING TO MAKE ME GO MAD" I yell I heard her giggle damn her. I got up put on a shirt and went to Lucy's room. She open the door and bump into me "can I help you" said Kylie 'say something idiot' said Ryder "I was looking for Lucy" I said 'good one idiot' said Ryder 'shut up' I said "yeah um sorry I thought she would be here" said Kylie "she downstair" said Kylie she left. I went downstairs too "food glorious food" said Kylie I smile she loves to sing that song even when we watch ice age she loves that movie. She was telling Lucy that I was looking for her thats when I over heard her say "do you guys having any blood we haven't drank in about 3 days now" said Kylie I ran to the basement to get a bag of blood for her and Alec I put it in a cup and gave it to her "thanks" said Kylie I nod. I go out to help with the patrol to get Kylie off my mind or at least Ryder's.

Here's a long chapter for you guys I've been a little busy and having the worst anxiety about this book, but I'm back now and I'm better so I hope you guys enjoy you guys know the drill comment, like, and vote I do see them and of course I do comment back love you guys - Mya ❤️

You Promise and I Promise, But You Broke YoursWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu