• T W E N T Y •

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WARNING: there are many gory and violent scenes 


"Are you sure they'll be here?" Taeyong asked, nudging Rosè, as they all stared at the empty dark alley way in front of them.

"They'll be here alright. They'll do anything to get to Jennie." She replied, turning to look over her shoulder at Jennie with a sympathetic look. "We just need to be ready. I need most of you guys to be hiding." They all nodded and everyone except Jennie and Jaehyun went to go hide. "I said go hide, Jaehyun!"

"I'm not leaving you alone, Rosé. If you get hurt, I don't know what I'll do." He replied, sincerely staring at her with worried eyes.

"And if you get hurt, I don't know if I'll live with myself. Now go hide right now!" Her dominant side was coming out, as she stared at him with pleading yet demanding eyes. Jaehyun hesitantly nodded and hid beside Yuta. 

After only a dozen of seconds, her uncles finally showed up, all having weapons behind their backs and wearing all black. They smirked seeing Jennie beside Rosé.

"Looks like you aren't a complete useless child, are you?" Ko chuckled as he stared at Rosé with a proud smile. "Now, hand her over, and we'll let your brother go." 

After his words, everyone's eyes widened as they tried to connect the dots. What is he saying? Brother? Rosè's breath hitched hearing her uncles deal, getting her brother back was all she ever wanted.

"My brother..? B-But, you told me he died when you guys went to go fight one of the Mafias..." Rosè stammered, still trying to process everything she is hearing. Has all this time, he'd been alive?

"We knew you were the one who'd actually get her to us. But, ever since you let her go, we knew that if we ever wanted her back, we'd have to get her from you, but we'd have to have something or someone you'd want in return." He explained, dusting off his hands. "That's why we kept him alive."

"Show me him." Rosé blurted, her grip on Jennie's wrist tightening. Jennie stared down at Rosè's  hand, and was scared that Rosé might change her mind and give her over for her younger brother. 

They smirked as they pulled out a younger boy from behind them, making sure to hold his arms behind him so he won't try anything. Once Rosé saw him, her heart froze for a second, seeing him all grown up from before.

"Jisung!" She yelled, releasing her grip on Jennie's wrist, just about ready to run towards him.

"Chaeyoung!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face. It looked like he had been through a lot, like they had trapped him in a basement, and fed and torchured him there. Before Rosé could run to him, they pulled him slightly behind them again.

"Uh, what do you think you're doing? Hand over the girl first." Ko ordered, snapping his fingers, as the guys behind him, held Jisung back. 

Rosè was torn. She couldn't just give up Jennie, that wasn't the plan, and she most certainly couldn't give up this chance of seeing her brother. There was only one way to deal with this. Rosé turned around to give Jennie a look that said it all.

"I'm sorry, Jennie..." She mumbled, shoving Jennie towards her uncles, who didn't waste any time to grab her. 

The guys behind uncle Ko, pushed Jisung towards Rosè, and she immediately pulled him into a hug. She placed his head on her shoulder, as she closed her eyes, taking in the moment. After a few seconds of hugging, she leaned into his ear.

"Jisung, I need you to trust me and go hide right now." She whispered in his ear , while patting his back. 

Jisung furrowed his eyebrows, confused why she would tell him that. But, of course he obeyed and pulled away from the hug, going behind her. 

"Now!" Rosè exclaimed, and almost immediately, from the building's rooftops, Taeyong and Ten jumped off, landing on some guys. 

   The others soon all came out, and it was a full on war— or fight. Jennie pulled out her slicing rope, and wrapped it around the guy that was in front of her's neck, slicing his head off. The rope was more powerful than a knife or sword. Jisung immediately hid behind the wall, waiting for the others to finish the fight, but he couldn't just sit there.

   Lisa grabbed her gun and was about to shoot a guy, but someone jumped onto her, making them both land on the cement ground. A gun shot was heard, and if it weren't for that person who jumped on Lisa, she would've been on the other end of that bullet. When she realized what happened, she looked up to see Ten.

"Y-You...saved me.." She mumbled, staring deep into his eyes, still shocked that she could've died right there and then. (tHE CLICHÉ STUFF I CAN'T—)

"Of course, I would never let anyone hurt you again." He replied, as they both stared at each other, longingly. Lisa never felt so touched and safe ever in her life. Without thinking, she grabbed his face and kissed his lips, but they pulled away when someone Interupted them.

"uHM GUYS! THIS ISN'T THE RIGHT TIME!!" Jaehyun stuttered as he tried to hold a guy back, Lisa and Ten both got off each other and continued fighting, like nothing had happened. 

   Rosè noticed Jaehyun struggling and slid under the guy she was currently fighting's legs, and was now behind the guy Jaehyun was fighting. She grabbed a good grip of his head and twisted it, making it snap. The guy's lifeless body fell to the ground. 

    Jaehyun looked at Rosè with a 'wHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED' Look. She shrugged innocently before turning around at the right time to kick the guy behind her in the face. Jaehyun and Rosè started to both fight the guy, with punches and kicks, and soon he was knocked out. 

   Jisoo was currently occupied with someone in front of her with a gun pointed at her. She was honestly scared to death, but once she heard something behind her, a smirk crept onto her lips. She made sure the timing was perfect, so when the guy pulled the trigger, she just ducked, which made the bullet hit another guy behind her. 

The guy who pulled the trigger, stared at his gun with wide eyes. Yuta came out of nowhere, flipping over her to knock out that guy with one punch. 

"That is what you get for messing with my girlfriend!" Yuta joked, staring down at the guy, laying on the ground unconscious. Yuta turned around and immediately hugged Jisoo for a second before they began fighting again. 

   Jisung peeked from the wall he was hiding behind, but right when he looked, someone was already there. He panicked as he lost his balance and fell onto the ground, quickly looking for a weapon to defend himself with. No luck. The guy, picked Jisung up off the ground by the collar, and it was getting harder for Jisung to breathe. 

   He tried to move around and hopefully get out of this guy's grip, but someone interfered, and kicked the guy's knees. The guy lost his balance and fell onto his knees, releasing his grip on Jisung. Jisung looked up to see Jaehyun with his hand out for a handshake. 

"Future brother-in-law, Jung Jaehyun." He greeted himself with a dimply smile. Jisung hesitantly shook Jaehyun's hand, with a confused expression. "Okay, so you wanna finish him off?" 

"Yeah," Jisung replied, feeling happy that someone let him fight, instead of doing nothing. Jisung stepped back a little, before kicking the guy hard in the face, to the point where his nose was bleeding and possibly broken. Jaehyun cheered Jisung on, even though the situation is kind of dark. 

"Use this bat." Jaehyun suggested, handing Jisung the bat he was holding, but Jisung shook his head.

"I don't want to kill anyone." Jisung explained, stepping back again to take another big kick. This time, this kick was more in the air, and more powerful, that the guy immediately went unconscious and fell to the ground. Suddenly they could hear police sirens.

"Shit, the gunshots!" Jaehyun cursed under his breath, trying to think of a way to escape. "EVERYBODY GET OUT IF HERE!!" He yelled, running towards Rosè to grab her arm. He went back to where Jisung was and grabbed his arm, dragging them back to Jennie's place. 



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